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Playing out of position - some questions Playing out of position - some questions

11-28-2011 , 09:16 AM
Some questions that have been on my mind lately:

1. Is it still standard to call 77-QQ vs a utg/mp raise? Anyone fold 77/88/99?
2. Is it good to call low pp in position? Or is folding 22-66 better without reads.
3.a. If you call 77 oop vs an ep raise, is the standard to c/c on j62 and then c/f on any turn, or is there some other way to play the hand?
3.b. Again with 77 - c/c or c/f on k62? Does it matter if it's 2tone? What about A62?
11-28-2011 , 12:37 PM
3 is opponent dependant.
I do call 77+ OOP en 22+ IP
11-28-2011 , 03:00 PM
in poker there are no "if-then" answers.
it all depends
11-28-2011 , 03:42 PM
calling 77-TT OOP in the blinds to an MP or UTG raise always seems to me like I am burning money against tags. I don't know the correct play here but I assume folding can't be to bad, might be a lil weak. All pairs in position are pretty decent and as far as boards like A24 or K27 if they are two toned these are good raising boards despite what hand you have. Very hard for your opponent to continue with most of their range. If they like to double barrel alot i like raising if they like barreling once and giving up then just float.
11-28-2011 , 04:44 PM
in poker there are no "if-then" answers.
it all depends
Very untrue. It's generally agreed for example that flatting 22-55 oop is bad, as is flatting 75o in position. Also c/c 22 on 38j is obviously bad.
11-28-2011 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Sirrybob
Very untrue. It's generally agreed for example that flatting 22-55 oop is bad, as is flatting 75o in position. Also c/c 22 on 38j is obviously bad.
yes, i hate all the it depends posts.. because obviously it depends but there are still standard lines that you take and when someone asks a question like this they are asking what to do against a standard tag player so no it doesn't ****ing depend.. just answer the question as if you were against a standard 20/18/3 tag.
11-28-2011 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Sirrybob
Very untrue. It's generally agreed for example that flatting 22-55 oop is bad, as is flatting 75o in position. Also c/c 22 on 38j is obviously bad.
aehm no
this thread is so pointless
11-28-2011 , 05:10 PM
it depends xD
openraisesize? barreltendencies? general skilllevel? how about the other guys left to act?

fold more often to 4x raises obv and play a stronger range, if you feel you are getting barreled more often.
77/88 oop is borderline against most tags early open.

ip small pps are profitable in a vaccuum imo, but may become unplayable by calling if you get squeezed from the blinds too often.
11-28-2011 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by daveh07
calling 77-TT OOP in the blinds to an MP or UTG raise always seems to me like I am burning money against tags. I don't know the correct play here but I assume folding can't be to bad, might be a lil weak. All pairs in position are pretty decent and as far as boards like A24 or K27 if they are two toned these are good raising boards despite what hand you have. Very hard for your opponent to continue with most of their range. If they like to double barrel alot i like raising if they like barreling once and giving up then just float.
Whether you make money by calling with these hands depends on your post-flop play not your pre-flop calling decision.

Hands as strong as 77-TT are def money makers even oop. Folding is extremely weak and you're pissing away money. Take notes on how ppl play post flop / how often they barrell / call down if they bluff scare cards but dont vbet thin etc.
11-28-2011 , 05:56 PM
1) I never fold. Against nits it's IMO worth it for set value and against others, they are just too strong. Maybe there are players that make your life too difficult with their optimal barreling tendencies, but as a a general rule, I think a call is the only way.

2) Against loose openers if you have 3 bettor happy players behind, I think you can fold, but generally no.

3a) that depends. Against most I think you can c/c once and maybe call on turn K or Q if they are loosish and like to barrel

3b) depends on how much they barrel
