I don't own a HUD, but I play 0.50/$1 6max on stars and presume at least 50% of the people who play here have HUDs.
I usually throw in a lot of moves against these people after about 30 minutes of play that I usually wouldn't because they have all my stats, like cold 4-betting with air, and other things that my stats wouldn't show.
I'm finding it hard to word this properly, but are there any other ways to counter act every one having a hud, except for me getting one?
the only drawback I can think of with a HUD is that some people rely on their stats too much, and theres about a bazillion plusses having one so get it asap.
HUDs generally rely on preflop stats too much. You can create a wild image pre and get paid off postflop and vice versa. But good players will adjust and take notes anyway.
i actually think there are things you can do against people who you think have HUDs, and that people with HUDs will do predictable things ie. play your stats whether or not it is applicable at the moment.