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PAHWM 200NL Zoom. deuces never loses PAHWM 200NL Zoom. deuces never loses

03-10-2016 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by sewktbk
Overpair with a spade, AKs, AQ with a spade....

Are you putting him on a single hand (QQ) when he raises?

I just dont think his raising range only includes a better set.
Don't think KK or AA are in his range here or AKss either given pre flop. If you're in his position and a competent reg leads out into a 5 way pot and you have AQ are you really raising here?

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03-10-2016 , 12:57 AM
just show the result bro we know he had 55
03-10-2016 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by JustJack95
Don't think KK or AA are in his range here or AKss either given pre flop. If you're in his position and a competent reg leads out into a 5 way pot and you have AQ are you really raising here?

Sent from my SM-G920F using 2+2 Forums
Yeah I reviewed the preflop action, and I guess you're right about AA/KK/AKs not being in his range. Sorry I hadn't paid enough attention to how PF went.

But then that also means QQ isn't there either.

On that board there's not a lot of combo draws, except maybe 43ss, and don't think he's raising with it. Not even sure its part of his flatting range pre.

That leaves us with 55....

So maybe you're right. Although in play and on that board, I have a hard time finding a fold (probably like you). But it may be one afterall.
03-10-2016 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by sewktbk
So why are you playing 22, if not to hit a set?

You should be wanting to put all of your chips in the middle when you hit on this board, and you should be glad you have someone who is willing to do so as well. If its set over set, c'est la vie.

If you're not happy with this turnout and can't handle getting it in with bottom set, then just fold 22 pre.
this thinking is so 2008 and so wrong.
03-10-2016 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by BigAl_R2R
Are we raising for value here? What hands that we can beat might he call with?

As is, I am calling here and making the commitment decision based on action on the turn.
We beat semi bluff flush draw hands and position plays, as well as strongly played pairs that he's hoping you'll fold to.

Competent reg feeling froggy and going with a 3rd level read easily can make this play. Plus doesn't your sizing possibly seem weak to him and HIS sizing seem big and like it's designed to make you want to go away?

Maybe I'm over thinking this, IDK.

55 is definitely in his range, but not weighted so heavily that it necessitates folding. Not even close IMO

Last edited by DudeImBetter; 03-10-2016 at 09:18 AM.
03-10-2016 , 11:59 AM
Some good posts here with alot of differing opinions. Most people here seem to think it's a continue in some way and I agree folding now would be abit on the nitty side but maybe vs some opponents they can just only have other sets here so maybe this decision is just villain dependent.

Will continue on with the hand now.

Originally Posted by JustJack95
Hero Bets $24. Fold, Fold, BTN Raises to $84, Fold, Action on Hero HU??

At this point in the hand I went into my HM2 and searched the guy.
600 Hands 21/16/ 3B:5.4 AF:2.2 Seem's like a decent regular

Hero probably exploitevly leads here but like I said 5-ways with bottom set and a FD out there I don't mind playing my hand somewhat face up here.
Hero Calls.
Turn 8 ($208) Hero X, BTN bets $148 Action on Hero.
03-10-2016 , 12:43 PM
I hope you called with a plan for if a spade came OTT. What was your plan for if a spade didn't come? Check? Then what?

I really hate a call OTF of his raise TBH. Seems passive and like you're just stumbling through the hand, especially given your thoughts so far. No offense.

If you called because you thought you were ahead you should most always instead A) go over top of his $84 to protect against flush cards and extract value from weaker hands or maybe B) call with a read that indicates a slow play is best and with no intention of folding future streets unless it goes spade/spade and the board doesn't pair.

I guess I'm saying it sounds like you didn't have much of a thought process beyond level 1 recognition of your strong hand and called purely for that reason.
03-11-2016 , 04:49 AM
c/c flop vs HJ and BT, c/r vs any other
03-13-2016 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
I hope you called with a plan for if a spade came OTT. What was your plan for if a spade didn't come? Check? Then what?

I really hate a call OTF of his raise TBH. Seems passive and like you're just stumbling through the hand, especially given your thoughts so far. No offense.

If you called because you thought you were ahead you should most always instead A) go over top of his $84 to protect against flush cards and extract value from weaker hands or maybe B) call with a read that indicates a slow play is best and with no intention of folding future streets unless it goes spade/spade and the board doesn't pair.

I guess I'm saying it sounds like you didn't have much of a thought process beyond level 1 recognition of your strong hand and called purely for that reason.
I'm not a fan of the call either OTF unless hero has a clear plan. I much prefer raise or the occasionnal hero fold followed by never telling anyone.
03-15-2016 , 02:16 AM
Just x'shove the flop, any other line looks too strong
