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Overbet river shove. deep 100nl Overbet river shove. deep 100nl

11-26-2008 , 08:59 PM
Villan was a reg, not sure how good he is. Thoughts?

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: $83.60
Hero (BTN): $184.55
SB: $105.90
BB: $100.00
UTG: $90.00
MP: $196.70

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BTN with J A
1 fold, MP raises to $3, CO calls $3, Hero raises to $12, 2 folds, MP calls $9, 1 fold

Flop: ($28.50) 9 Q 2 (2 players)
MP checks, Hero bets $13, MP calls $13

Turn: ($54.50) K (2 players)
MP checks, Hero bets $28, MP calls $28

River: ($110.50) 6 (2 players)
MP checks, Hero bets $131.55 all in,

Last edited by jk3a; 11-27-2008 at 01:23 AM.
11-26-2008 , 09:05 PM
19$ on the flop then 45$ on the turn (if you would have betted 19$ and potsize would be 66$), your betsizes are bad imho
11-26-2008 , 09:05 PM
he should fold a lot of his range here...
his line looks like hes just trying to get to showdown with AQ or JJ. i would expect 99/QQ+/TJs to raise flop or turn because those hands would want to get in all 185bbs and checking 3 streets is not the way to do it.
11-26-2008 , 09:07 PM
Thoughts on his call? Pretty decent, your range here is pretty narrow. Thoughts on your play? Well, considering you 3b you can't rep the BDF to strongly, and JT is probably a little discounted, however, most people aren't going to be calling here without KQ and his hand shouldn't be quite that strong here. The overbet shove on the river was bad, a smaller bet would have had more fold equity.
11-26-2008 , 09:15 PM
i would take similar lines with

AA KK QQ AK KQ TJ any backdoor clubs. I am valuebetting way more then i am bluffing. So ship the gbucks.
11-26-2008 , 09:29 PM
after thinking about it some more i dont really like your river shove. i think it would be better to bet bigger on the turn (40-45) trying to fold out 88/TT/JJ/Qx/, and then give up on the river if called.
villain shouldnt really shouldnt be checking river with anything strong but that doesnt mean he wont, cuz well, people play bad
11-26-2008 , 09:29 PM
I hate it. I don't know why some players think you need to do this to win at these levels. FPS. I don't even think it is a good board to double barrel.
11-26-2008 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by squizzel
i would take similar lines with

AA KK QQ AK KQ TJ any backdoor clubs. I am valuebetting way more then i am bluffing. So ship the gbucks.
Similar doesn't mean the same. Your line reps very few hands. Even if you're the type to overbet the river for value here with a wider range, it's not a wider perceived range, it's information he doesn't have.
11-26-2008 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by betafemale
I hate it. I don't know why some players think you need to do this to win at these levels. FPS. I don't even think it is a good board to double barrel.
"win at these levels" = winrate greater than zero...maybe some people want to win more than that?
11-26-2008 , 10:09 PM
What is the guys's stats u said he is a reg but u have no stats
11-26-2008 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by terp
"win at these levels" = winrate greater than zero...maybe some people want to win more than that?
tytyty, those comments tilt me so much. As for the hand, I don't do this sort of stuff much, so so far I tend to avoid it without some sort of a read.
11-26-2008 , 10:48 PM
i really cant remember his stats. I remember thinking at the time that he defo wasnt a slowplayer so if he was happy going with the hand he would have raised the turn since there are a few draws out. I really put him on a Q or a hand like JJ TT
11-27-2008 , 12:13 AM
he called I think ur play was bad
11-27-2008 , 12:14 AM
On a serious note, pf sucks.
11-27-2008 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Brian O'Nolan
On a serious note, pf sucks.
With a fishy coldcaller I think it can v easily be good, depending on how MP will play as well as on the tendencies of the fish.
11-27-2008 , 12:17 AM
Looks like you didn't have the right image to get away with this. I mean, it's fine and I do do things like this sometimes, but I can get away with it a lot of the time because of my lol-weaktight-nit image.

I don't like the river shove, though. I think 77 is going to look much more like a valuebet and like a bet you would also make with AK. In these days it's so easy for some reg to think "yada yada polarized, yada yada he's aggro, yada yada call".
11-27-2008 , 12:27 AM
my personal style is to coldcall pf and look for bluff/pot control/value situations postflop. I think that's really just a style thing though.

As played, I don't like cbetting the flop. It's going to hit a lot of villain's raise/call pf range, and he could checkraise you off of the best hand with any draws he may have landed with.

The turn is a really bad card to barrel when you look at what his range is going to be after the flop check/call. He have done that with any number of draws given the stack sizes, and he's likely to have caught that card as part of it anyway. You're folding out almost zero hands that consist of two cards nine or better on that turn, and the only part of his range that won't be right in that wheelhouse are the under pps that you still have outs against.

The river is interesting as a pure powerplay, but you're not really repping a flush with your line there, so if he's handreading he may decide to make some kind of hero call. I don't know if your prospects of taking it down are as good as the 54% you'll need there. Maybe.
11-27-2008 , 12:31 AM
I actually don't hate how you played it, but I really do hate your betsizing. I think he should be calling some of the time here depending on your button tendencies, but I do think there is a lot you can represent...I just think betsizing sucks and that you'll get looked up there a lot w/ sizes.
11-27-2008 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by squizzel
i would take similar lines with

AA KK QQ AK KQ TJ any backdoor clubs. I am valuebetting way more then i am bluffing. So ship the gbucks.
I don't think you're overbet shoving AK on the river for value on this board, cause you're not getting called by much worse (apart from his soulread AQ call)

I also think you're pot controlling AA on the turn like 75% of the time, cause you can't continue if you get check raised this deep.

KK/QQ/KQ/JT yes.
11-27-2008 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by supfoolio
I don't think you're overbet shoving AK on the river for value on this board, cause you're not getting called by much worse (apart from his soulread AQ call)

I also think you're pot controlling AA on the turn like 75% of the time, cause you can't continue if you get check raised this deep.

KK/QQ/KQ/JT yes.
your quite off actually. vs that opponent i wuld be value shoving all the hands i mentioned. Im confident in my hand reading to just go with what i put them on. sometimes its off. but most often it works.

Whoever said the K was a bad two barrel card is totally wrong also. Also im 100% certain hes never cc turn with more then 1pair.
11-27-2008 , 12:53 AM
also why are people hating on my betsizing. Can someone say why? I bet like i did because i wanted a massive river bet over pot sized to make my opponents decision super hard. The idea being they dont want to call off 120bb with second pair.
11-27-2008 , 01:00 AM
If you're taking this line as thin as AK, you must give villain a pretty wide callingrange. If you do, then why bluff?

Also, why cbet so small when you're deep?

Edit: what you stated above, people not wanting to call this off with 2nd pair, is in conflict with you taking this line for value.
11-27-2008 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by squizzel
also why are people hating on my betsizing. Can someone say why? I bet like i did because i wanted a massive river bet over pot sized to make my opponents decision super hard. The idea being they dont want to call off 120bb with second pair.
it's way scarier when it actually looks like you're setting up a potsized river shove.
11-27-2008 , 01:12 AM
Villan was a reg, not sure how good he is
i really cant remember his stats.

vs that opponent i wuld be value shoving all the hands i mentioned.
im 100% certain hes never cc turn with more then 1pair.

how can all these statements be correct?
11-27-2008 , 01:29 AM
how many regs do u know will cc two streets with a nut hand this deep? they must have a super duper read that i:

1) have air
2) im gonna shove the river with this air.

Villan never turns up with a hand greater then 1pair here.
