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oop vs fish with the nuts LIVE. Help me get max value next time. oop vs fish with the nuts LIVE. Help me get max value next time.

01-04-2012 , 06:51 PM
First of all: Hello. I have lurked these forums and tried to soak up as much as I could for the last couple months and want to to thank everyone in advance. I play a $1/$2 every week, but due to the laws it is played with some interesting rules, but overall is just like a regular 200nl game.

Yesterday I found myself in a spot that was similar to one I was in a couple weeks back and was determined to do better this time. I didn't.

Villain: Would be a major fish in any online game, but for this he is probably just a losing player. Managed to stack another fish (this is a great game to be in obv) is pretty deep. Some of his fishy tendencies are basic things like over betting in really dumb spots and wont fold KK/AA for his life.
I played two hands with him before this one came up.
Hand 1: I raise in LP he calls and on the flop donks for 35 in to a ~25pot. (dry board)
Hand 2: I raise in LP he calls. I cbet and he folds.

I should be viewed as competent, aggresive and perhaps a bit spewy in small pots. (I am leak plugging at the moment and it is going well) Sort of been running the table, but I imagine that if anyone is paying attention they just think I am a "Durr wannabe" (Thinking he thinks about his opponents might be giving him too much credit.)

SB:170(stuck 230)
BB: 220(stuck 180)
UTG: 260
UTG+1: 410
MP: 300

UTG: Folds
UTG+1: Limps
MP: Limps
HERO:is dealt Ah4h and raises to 11
CO: calls 11
BTN: calls 11
SB: folds
BB: folds

(Pot 40)
2s 3h 5c

Hero: Bets 25
CO: Folds
BTN: Raises to 50
Hero: Raies to 120

(pot 280)
Hero:Bets 125
BTN: Folds

Here was my thought process through every action
My PF raise was actually to iso the MP who is the biggest fish I have seen in a while.

Bet that size on the flop, because both the BTN and the CO are very float prone, but not going to spew off much bigger.

I decided after his flop raise that I wanted to stack this guy and wasnt worried about maybe trying to go easy on him and get 150-250. The reraise was sort of stndrd for this game.

In the heat of the game I didnt get a very accurate count on his chips and thought he had more. More or less I was trying to get his chip stack the same size as the pot for a river shove, but I sort of messed up. I also probably gave his range too much credit.

I would love to hear what everyone thinks about the flop and the turn. Also I hope my first post wasn't completely ridiculous. InB4 First world problems.

Last edited by Johnny Dew Work; 01-04-2012 at 07:00 PM. Reason: grammar
01-04-2012 , 07:22 PM

I think your preflop raise is a mistake, your hand plays well multiway + deep and people don't fold to iso raises much live anyway. I'd just overlimp. I like your line postflop, you pretty much have to reraise flop given the stacks and go for small bet, shove on turn/river.
01-05-2012 , 12:34 AM
Yeah I found out that iso raises only work like 1/10 and even the 1 is probably just random that nobody called. Any plan for getting V in for more $?
