Sorry for the low-content thread but I opened a session for the first time in a few months and a few situations got me thinking about something.
Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official
2+2 Hand Converter
Powered By
Hero (MP): $128.60
CO: $77.75
BTN: $101.60
SB: $38.25
BB: $151.45
UTG: $103.00
Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is MP with Q

1 fold,
Hero raises to $3.50,
1 fold,
BTN raises to $13,
3 folds
Hands like this basically make me realize that my range for flatting 3bets OOP is 0%. Is this standard? I'd like to hear some thoughts on how we might play hands like TT/JJ/AQs OOP against 3bets esp against different player types.