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***Official Stars Regs Thread*** ***Official Stars Regs Thread***

06-20-2009 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by famou$? $oon!
when i shove every 3bet my red line is gonna be positive. and i pay blinds too.
we were in the subset of being shortshort stack and being winning, going outside that subset to show how a losing play can generate the same result has no effect on the discussion
06-20-2009 , 09:36 PM
im pretty sure you are a level
06-20-2009 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by lifes3ps
we were in the subset of being shortshort stack and being winning, going outside that subset to show how a losing play can generate the same result has no effect on the discussion
all im saying is that its obv that every winning shortstack-player MUST have a positive redline.

and i rly dont think its any kind of art (as it sounds when u describe it). its rly fkn simple.
obv some do it better though than others but its only very very few. those ones i even dislike more because they destroy the game we all love so much.
their winrate would be ridiculously low if regulars finally adapted their own play against them (see squizzels post also).

and complimenting postflop-skills of a shortstack-reg tilts the s.hit out of me.
06-20-2009 , 09:54 PM
all im saying is that its obv that every winning shortstack-player MUST have a positive redline.
no its not obvious and its false, only the best of hte best have +redlines over large sample sizes because 1. cbets get called/give up on a bluff 2. they minb/fold pre. if theyre only opening hands theyre calling shoves from then theyre losing because of blinds. and total 3b %s run ~10-12 which is not enough to compensate

yeah i tried squizzles, got flamed for saying call w/ k8s b/c people were saying fold KQo to 3bet shoves. it was a random hand i picked to demonstrate the fact ppl fold too much pre to 3bets. which blind v blind or btn v blind theyre shipping over steals sooo wide.
it was funny that thread was posted the night i came back from chilling w/ ienjoymoney(flourescenthippo for the old guys was his 2p2 name)/nutpopper/the rest of the madison crew and we were talking bout exploiting short stackers.
06-20-2009 , 09:58 PM
nutpopper quixtar and mitate are the only ones i know of w/ positive redlines (unsure bout curtains).
06-20-2009 , 10:04 PM
I think all of curtains lines are negative
06-20-2009 , 10:13 PM
who the **** cares any red line ?
06-20-2009 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by dstazy100
I find it hilirtous that you all areflaming me for going to a strip club..seriously you all must be pathetic poker nerds that don't go out on the weekends and more then likely never hooked up with a girl..apparetly doing **** besides playing poker all day every day like you pieces of **** is the right thing to do cuz I'm plyin 25/50 and you are all at 1/2. This wasn't to everyone only the ******s flaming me just to jump on the banwagin

people arent laughing at you for going to a strip club
going to a strip club is pretty normal

but bragging about having sex with a stripper and thinking that its an acceptable healthy social life is lol
06-20-2009 , 11:31 PM
wake you're headed down a very long and dark road, gl


kolo: <3
06-21-2009 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by dstazy100
I find it hilirtous that you all areflaming me for going to a strip club..seriously you all must be pathetic poker nerds that don't go out on the weekends and more then likely never hooked up with a girl..apparetly doing **** besides playing poker all day every day like you pieces of **** is the right thing to do cuz I'm plyin 25/50 and you are all at 1/2. This wasn't to everyone only the ******s flaming me just to jump on the banwagin
[x] Fat
[x] pays for sex
[ ] nerd

Go win another milli at high stakes sir.
06-21-2009 , 01:08 AM
lol jus goes to show how dumb you all are...using protection will more then likely protect me from STD's so i think il take my chance if a 10 wants to **** me...the odds of strippers having sex for free is slim to none esp when theyre 10s..couldnt pass up the chance and im pretty sure i dont have an std (my dick was normal looking and not shooting out green **** this morning)...and im pretty sure i dont have to talk to her again or call her or nuttin so it a win win situation

i could see if this was some dirty ass prostitute that didnt wanna use protection or none of that but it isnt...fwiw it wasnt really a huge brag jus throwin it out there..most of you guys probaly never seen a snatch IRL (since 80% of you are poker nerds) so i thought ud all be intersted...the ones doin the flaming are deff the ****in nerds lol
06-21-2009 , 01:16 AM
hahaha no offense, but this is absolutely pathetic. Just chill out a bit wake.
06-21-2009 , 01:16 AM
squizzel the odds of you ****in a girl are very little to normal girl wants an emo f8ggot guy that cuts his wrists and crys about every little thing....girls want confident guys that they dont have to worry bout taking care of cuz they just lost a 100bb pot and are slitting their wrists

klink ive seen a picture of you dude....i know why your telling me to chill out...cuz uve never ****ed a girl before...sad part is asians are the easiest ****in girls in the find yourself one dude cuz seriously your pathetic as hell
06-21-2009 , 01:20 AM
lol k.
06-21-2009 , 01:23 AM
if people are gonna flame me im gonna flame right back...didnt wanna do this but i have to

i get the point im pathetic....whats your reasoning? cuz uve never ****ed a girl before?...kk gotcha
06-21-2009 , 01:32 AM
damn this trhead much better than plo msnl one(none)
06-21-2009 , 01:35 AM
I swear I've never seen a non-defensive post from this guy
06-21-2009 , 01:57 AM
you are so lol
06-21-2009 , 02:07 AM
whos got a pic of wakeboarder i bet hes a real stud muffin.
06-21-2009 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by nuggetz87
thoughts on ahippl1???
Roommates with gregy and matt = goot
06-21-2009 , 02:40 AM
got me a pic of squizzel

06-21-2009 , 02:55 AM
HU? im sitting.
06-21-2009 , 03:16 AM
Here is how I view it. Most of us would pay money to have sex with a "10" (I wouldn't cus I have a gf ldo.) =. FACT. Most of us would not post about it on the internet. FACT. Let's all cum to a common ground and enjoy wake's posts for what they are. Pure hillarity. If anyone can sweat wake for an hour and still hate him then let me know because he is one of the funniest/nicest kids ever when you're talking to him. Some of his posts take an alter ego because he defends himself or w/e. God I am so drunk hope I don't regret this post in the AM!
06-21-2009 , 03:21 AM
too many haters on 2p2
strippers dont HAVE to f*ck u if u offer them money
i bet most of the guys flaming u couldnt get it even chasing after it with money =O
06-21-2009 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by squizzel
HU? im sitting.
called u out on the tables and ur a little b8tch like always and ignore me...this is the second time sitting 10/20 if ur only gonna play one table..will not play lower then 5/10 after running 10/20 and 25/50 all day
