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***Official Stars Regs Thread*** ***Official Stars Regs Thread***

03-18-2008 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by 0evg0
dont hate them.

their lives consist of sitting at a computer all day barely making any money in as robotic a fashion as possible.

if anything, feel sorry that they have yet to realize they can use their time so much more productively and enjoyably.
I think the thing that frustrates me the most is when I am looking for tables and one of them is on every fricking wait list.
03-18-2008 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by KeanuReaver
my thoughts are twistedecho is a donk
I agree! I won one of them tho!!!!
03-18-2008 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Imrahil
Hand 1 is sorta weird. I've never seen him open limp. Maybe he misclicked and is now trying to win the pot? I think I rather just fold since I'm not sure if you can fold once you've put in nearly 1/2 your stack.
I think cham is a huge spazzy donk, and have no clue what his limp means. I wasn't all that suprised when he did limpreraise and assumed hes now trying to rep a monster but since hes a huge overaggro donk he can't have a real hand so i 3bet. (fwiw im calling a push)

I think maybe just 3bet shoving is best? I dunno risk/reward kinda sucks but it doesn't let him think he has any FE. I was tempted to 4bet small and fold but thought he might just jam if i gave him any FE
03-18-2008 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by mofliedlice
Nogatsira, pretty sure I had just left that table......pretty sure it was all nits when I left.
with all those blind steals i can buy my kids food
they're all awful so i wont look for another table
03-18-2008 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by TwistedEcho
I agree! I won one of them tho!!!!
so much <3
03-18-2008 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by spivey
never because they suck at poker
y well at the early stage of learning we all suck ?!?

and most still do ..
03-18-2008 , 09:01 PM
mmmmm shortstacking. inexploitably fun!!!!

03-18-2008 , 09:07 PM
note: im probably going back to full stacking. Im doing a little thinking about SS strategy and seeing how it goes. Im trying to learn as much as i can about poker. If you hate me because ive decided to short stack then you seriously are a sad human being with nothing better to do.

Get better.
03-18-2008 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by squizzel
note: im probably going back to full stacking. Im doing a little thinking about SS strategy and seeing how it goes. Im trying to learn as much as i can about poker. If you hate me because ive decided to short stack then you seriously are a sad human being with nothing better to do.

Get better.
lolol. at least pretend to tell the truth.
03-18-2008 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by pdoran10
lolol. at least pretend to tell the truth.
if im sitting on your left. heres a tip. dont open light because im shoving.

I just need to decide if when i double up i should stick around or hit and run alfafoil style.
03-18-2008 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by squizzel
if im sitting on your left. heres a tip. dont open light because im shoving.
seriously, ban. you can shortstack if that's what you gotta do to make money, but dont be a little bitch about it.
03-18-2008 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by societymax
seriously, ban. you can shortstack if that's what you gotta do to make money, but dont be a little bitch about it.
just sit at 50bb tables and u wont have to play with me.
03-18-2008 , 09:20 PM

i support your right to shortstack as it is not unethical and certainly within the rules, if perhaps questionably not in the spirit of the game.

however, this most certainly does not give you carte blanch to act in the manner you have since your first post here.

quit running around like a little dickhead and go about your own business.
03-18-2008 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by societymax
seriously, ban. you can shortstack if that's what you gotta do to make money, but dont be a little bitch about it.
+1, im berating you everytime you are at my table, squizzel
03-18-2008 , 09:33 PM
just a FYI Squizzy, you still suck at poker
03-18-2008 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by squizzel
if im sitting on your left. heres a tip. dont open light because im shoving.
ZOMG, God's gift to shortstacking right here
03-18-2008 , 09:51 PM
any thoughts on ecki 18 15 4.7 ??
he seems like to go crazy vs me pf really really aggro and if i take a stand i feel he got the nuts everytime ,7

and dont answer hello ecki plz
03-18-2008 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by gawdawaful
just a FYI Squizzy, you still suck at poker
I may suck bad. but i win enough to keep me happy and thats all that matters. Better then loosing right?
03-18-2008 , 10:04 PM
dude, seriously. stop posting in ssnl.
03-18-2008 , 10:05 PM
i always wondered what makes full stacking regulars go short stack
03-18-2008 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by dbc
i always wondered what makes full stacking regulars go short stack
non-infinite bankrolls
03-19-2008 , 12:28 AM
man GREGY20723 is the best 1/2 player right now. i cant wait til he posts his graph for this month hes ill.
03-19-2008 , 12:42 AM
Squizzel I have never been bad enough to have to short stack at least. Also, you should keep playing 200NL full stacked, we enjoy your moniez.
03-19-2008 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by AllenJ
man GREGY20723 is the best 1/2 player right now. i cant wait til he posts his graph for this month hes ill.
na, mrcrgl >>>>> gregy imo.
03-19-2008 , 12:45 AM
And squizzel you are a huge ******, no one cares about your shortstacking.
