Originally Posted by klink10k
i would wager good money that wizardofahhs is better than all of you at real poker.
also, i don't really have a big problem with shortstackers, i think its just a different skill set and 95% of regs playing 1/2 don't adjust well enough, or take like a couple hours to do some math to figure out how to play optimal, and would rather complain about getting frustrated rather than improving.
I think I know who wizardofahhs is on 2+2, if I'm right, then LOL at your statement. He is horrible at full stacked poker. He made a ton on Party, busted his roll trying to play the same stakes post UIEGA, and is now shortstacking.
If it is who I think it is and you are serious about your statement (PM me his 2+2 name or I could PM it to you) book a HU match and we could make a side bet on the outcome.