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**** Official Cake/UB/AP/Prima/Everest/etc Regs thread **** **** Official Cake/UB/AP/Prima/Everest/etc Regs thread ****

02-10-2009 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by RE_Mogul
anybody know RE_Mogul? WHat are his leaks?
He's very tricky, trappy, deceptive imo.
02-10-2009 , 05:47 PM
02-10-2009 , 07:19 PM
anyone else make this call? J berated me for a few minutes after so i was just curious
02-10-2009 , 07:37 PM
is there a way around not being able to post AP hands on 2p2???? that is the main reason i don't post here
02-10-2009 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Mischa9
anyone else make this call? J berated me for a few minutes after so i was just curious
4bet pot rite? I sometimes suck at reading cake HH, at first I thought you were sitting with 364 lol. Amazing call, I mean what could his 4bet calling range be, TT+ and maybe AK. Just calling the flop and checking the turn when the ace hits seems weak. SO probably no sets AA or KK shoves flop, TT does not check the turn. I Put him on QQ and KK till the river. Then hero call and pad your roll.
02-10-2009 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Mischa9
anyone else make this call? J berated me for a few minutes after so i was just curious
Cant say I'd make it as it's so opponent/flow/read/etc dependent but I can't really see what he's credibly repping here, what ace high hands is he check calling the flop with? What hands is he check calling, check checking, and value shoving the river with? Still, much easier to say knowing the results.

02-10-2009 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by MichaelB
i just noticed it recently too, no guarantee so no one joins and it never runs
I emailed cake about them opening registration 24-48 hrs before and running a few satelites, i suggest everyone do the same
02-10-2009 , 08:55 PM
that hand is one big spewfest from both of you.
02-10-2009 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by postoakpoker
new software update. finally a ring game filter. anybody notice anything else new?
Not much yet...anyone else?
02-10-2009 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by RE_Mogul
is there a way around not being able to post AP hands on 2p2???? that is the main reason i don't post here
you might want to try the forum
02-10-2009 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Ramdon
Just wondering about rakeback on UB/AP

Can someone tell me over the last 3 months, number of hands played in each month, and how much they got for those hands in rb for each month?

I'm not sure this will work for everyone because it might depend on limits or play style, but if you take the number Hold-em Manager gives you for rake and multiply times .213, that has been a fairly accurate estimate of my rakeback the last couple of months.
02-10-2009 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by quantummechanic
we have a new crazy at 1/2...well hopefully...
Pretty sure i busted 80smetal in about 15 hands this morning.
02-10-2009 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Skleice
Man, what a frustrating weekend. When it rains it mother****ing poors. All in EV is a joke. Donks are owning me. Regs are coolering me. bah.

come back to FW skleice. its like variance free monies
02-10-2009 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mischa9
anyone else make this call? J berated me for a few minutes after so i was just curious
Pretty tough hand to expect good responses from without knowing your history with Villain. I like the way you played preflop and turn. I hate the flop and the river is close. I can't quite figure out what villain is doing on the river after you checked the A turn.
02-11-2009 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Mischa9
anyone else make this call? J berated me for a few minutes after so i was just curious
I don't have my notes open, did he play as "alwaysbluffs"?
02-11-2009 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by the machine
come back to FW skleice. its like variance free monies
I'm gonna go to MS on Friday afternoon-night. I just got myself into the positive monies at FTP NL400. Cake games suck imo.

---and yeah the FW scene was pretty terrible. I snap laid down bottom set too. Limped pot, monotone board facing a bet and a raise from the nittiest old ****s at the table. Raiser had teh nutz obv.

Also, that really jittery guy that we played with earlier sat and got stacked in a 400 bb pot w/ 2nd nutz vs nutz. It was amusing cuz he was kind of a dick...
02-11-2009 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by razorbacker
I don't have my notes open, did he play as "alwaysbluffs"?
No this is different guy haven't seem him on cake all that often but he is def a pretty good player and very aggressive (obv)
02-11-2009 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by dangerfish
Pretty tough hand to expect good responses from without knowing your history with Villain. I like the way you played preflop and turn. I hate the flop and the river is close. I can't quite figure out what villain is doing on the river after you checked the A turn.
Ya I guess I was just too lazy to actually convert the hand and post it. I will when I go through and convert my hands some time this week. I actually was thinking about this hand and really think I misplayed the turn. Since it is extremely unlikely that he has an Ace (imo), the turn is the perfect barrel card and I doubt he ever calls if I shove.

Also Ike- I would love to say that this sort of spew was player dependent with history and blah blah blah. Unfortunately this is just how I always play
02-11-2009 , 12:49 AM
thoughts on Care724?
02-11-2009 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by Mischa9
Ya I guess I was just too lazy to actually convert the hand and post it. I will when I go through and convert my hands some time this week. I actually was thinking about this hand and really think I misplayed the turn. Since it is extremely unlikely that he has an Ace (imo), the turn is the perfect barrel card and I doubt he ever calls if I shove.

Also Ike- I would love to say that this sort of spew was player dependent with history and blah blah blah. Unfortunately this is just how I always play
Funny you say that about the turn. I actually like the way you played the turn. I suppose a lot depends on what level your thinking on. I am def not saying I am thinking on a higher level just a different one. You checking the turn is a sweet play given your image. He should expect you to bomb that turn with all your air especially when he really can't have an A very often. You check repping pot control/1 pair type hand but definitely showdown value. I assume you were going to bet river unimproved looking like your squeezing value out of Ax or bigger PP that went for PC on turn. I really like the turn play for that reason especially with the stack sizes and your image ie standard turn play which is to barrel that card. For the same reason I really hate his river play, you are rarely folding after checking that turn so I don't really know what he was thinking he could move you off off.
02-11-2009 , 02:55 AM
Ya i was planning on shoving riv or betting something stupid like 350 to look like value bet which prolly gets a fold as well, but you may be right that a turn shove gets looked up lighter. IDK wat he was doing on the riv either cuz there arent many better hands than his that I would ever fold.
02-11-2009 , 04:21 AM
Kinda funny all cake added in there software improvement was a table filter. Maybe they think that there somewhere is good or something. Such a joke!
02-11-2009 , 06:19 AM
Whats ur opinion on some 1/2 & 2/4 regs @ primapoker

- maneater235
- darinox
- breezerFTW
- totalebanane
- crackG
02-11-2009 , 10:06 AM
Hey guys, if you have time please give insight into improvements you'd like to see in the UB/AP software at the following thread:
02-11-2009 , 10:25 AM
We all saw your first post Kyle...
