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10-16-2014 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by shipit2kg
^think its lame a scripter is a mod. is ponty scripting too these days?
Is tis for real? Im speechless and outraged!!! Can somebody comment on tis??!!!
10-16-2014 , 12:26 AM
tim update blog pls
10-16-2014 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by YourVeryBestEnemy
Lol at those lists. The best player, zetzet125 (not close imo) wasn't even mentioned. Also most canadian/australian regs w/ good winrate are probably overrated cause they have a huge timezone-advantage (they can play during their daytime without having to deal with a bad reg:fish ratio and too many crazy russians).

No, the difference is that Australia and Canada are pretty ****ing expensive, so if u want to be a reg living either country u need to be pretty damn good. That's why they have better winrates in avg, not due to the timezone imo. Instead, myself ukranians, russians, belorussians etc, can get away with being crappy regs because we can live comfortably in our countries with rakeback alone.

Living expenses for me here in Venezuela are about $2,000 USD per year, though the quality of life is proportionally crappy
10-16-2014 , 03:20 AM
So, if you doing 2k monthly, you kind of big face in Venezuela?
10-16-2014 , 03:33 AM
Yeah, communism has made everybody poor in here as it has in every place it has been brought upon. An engineer with 20+ years of experience makes around $500 a month here.
10-16-2014 , 03:35 AM
I'm from Croatia, we had communism too, but 2k monthly is just an ok living over here these days. I mean you would be considered as some worker with good salary.
10-16-2014 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by Jajajaja
+1 Scripters are going to ruin cash games, and ppl who hold pontylands view are just as responsible. I have never played live but i imagine seat selection isnt a huge variable. What i mean is that i doubt ppl are switching seats to get on a fishes left, or that regs wont take a seat bc a reg is on his left or w/e. Zoom everything and stop this madness.
how is that a solution?

what about people like me , that prefer hu/3handed/4handed to 6max, now have to play 6max for the rest of my life, just because someone invented scripts?

banning scripts would be a much easier solution, i don't use them, and i start every table i play, but i agree with ponty, that nowadays , most regs that play ssnl reg tables and don't use a script are in a big disadvantage

about those regs that jump sits to have position on the fish, should be insta banned, obv just trying hard to get the rec players to change to sit n go's
10-16-2014 , 07:02 AM
Here is something fun, my last month's 200z graph.
also played like 15k 500z hands, and somehow won 6bi.

Don't actually mind admitting I probably suck, one thing I found is that my stats aren't stable, someday after 3k-5kish hand I maintain 28/22 10% and good barrelling stats. someday I just fall to something like 23/20 5% with really poor barreling stats.

because of all this, kinda of taking a break from cash and use to time to study and review, and in the maintime, grinding MTT is fun
10-16-2014 , 07:23 AM
Interested to hear how mtt's are treating you?
Always seems like cash guys can just crush right away!
10-16-2014 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by ssg

Imagine how it would look without the Aus/NZ time zone advantage.
10-16-2014 , 09:11 AM
10-16-2014 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by Thalo
Imagine how it would look without the Aus/NZ time zone advantage.
10-16-2014 , 10:57 AM
Im gonna make 100k at nl100 and not post again before I did it.
10-16-2014 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by pontylad
Yikes, bit brutal. Scripting sucks but it is what it is.

And while others are using it, you really only have 2 options, join them or start tables. Taking a pineapple up the arse for the sake of it is silly. Not being able to start tables yourself and not being able to get in to games because you refuse to get a script is basically sending the pineapple in dry.

As for me, I start every table i play from 400-1k (apart from when i've joined waitlists or tablestarters).

Fwiw, i would prefer stars banned scripts... but not at the expense of removing seat selection or tables selection. One thing the scripts have done is force some regs in to starting tables. There's more reg on reg table starting now than there has been for years. Depending where you are on that reg on reg food chain dictates whether this is a good thing or not.
Originally Posted by pontylad
I did however used to use a script (bit slow) up until about 6 months ago.
Originally Posted by pontylad
you're wrong. live is very scummy.

And the notion that I am part of the problem or just as responsible is ****ing stupid, especially when I'm saying I would prefer them banned rather than keeping them. I know you like to do a lot of trolling in your posts but try not to let too much dumb slip in too.

There in lies the difference between me and people scripting. Understanding the perspective of another person and agreeing with that view is not mutually exclusive.

You play almost entirely 500 zoom, how much action do you have at reg tables and starting those tables? probably very little % wise, apart form challenging people to hu then backing out. Do you have any idea of the difference between regular mid stake games now and say a year or 2 ago? Go away and read some of King10clubs posts on the subject and become enlightened as to why I wouldn't want stars to use scripts to change the game format but that I can still wish that scripts were banned.
Insult me all you want if it makes you feel better, i could care less. Bolded is what i am talking about. From the looks of it, you didnt feel like you were good enough to start tables so you used a script until you improved and felt like you were good enough to start tables. In other words, you are telling ppl you should get a script or stop complaining about getting in good games/not wanting to start tables (ie you are part of the problem as you are telling them it is ok). Another thing is that you seem to think the seat/table selection is an integral part of poker, which it isnt. And i bet you would not want to ban scripts 6+ months ago while you were using one. I have said this before but i have played about 30k hands of 400nl the last 2-3 months, but the seat scripts have made it unplayable for me.
10-16-2014 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by MartimC
how is that a solution?

what about people like me , that prefer hu/3handed/4handed to 6max, now have to play 6max for the rest of my life, just because someone invented scripts?

banning scripts would be a much easier solution, i don't use them, and i start every table i play, but i agree with ponty, that nowadays , most regs that play ssnl reg tables and don't use a script are in a big disadvantage

about those regs that jump sits to have position on the fish, should be insta banned, obv just trying hard to get the rec players to change to sit n go's
umm play HU tables? 4max zoom tables?

And ya i agree that non seat scripters are at a huge disadvantage, which is why change should be made. The only ppl who dont want change to be made are seat scripters, or regs who start tables who think they have a huge edge in doing it, the latter two groups do not represent the majority of players.
10-16-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Jajajaja
And i bet you would not want to ban scripts 6+ months ago while you were using one.
what, i made a script but i still want them banned. Dont see how using it means you cant want them banned but i aint going to turn down free monies

before you moan about me using script. i prob start more tables than script at 400 (or close to 50/50), depends if people like gogol are the ones sitting at tables

Last edited by Burnss; 10-16-2014 at 01:37 PM. Reason: before you moan about me using script. i prob start more tables than script at 400 (or close to 50/50)
10-16-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Danshiel350
Interested to hear how mtt's are treating you?
Always seems like cash guys can just crush right away!
Been pretty good , sattie and cashed in the wcoop main. And ft the milly. So I will stick with mtt for now
10-16-2014 , 02:47 PM
ponty doing work itt. WOO, your forgetting the crucial thing that getting a script isnt difficult? noone's stopping you from getting one and playing regular. Or if you like zoom you can do that anyway.

Agree the R problem is annoying but don't really notice it at 200 and 100.

Oh yeah and the ultimate disclaimer, I don't use a script so everything I say definitely holds more weight obv.
10-16-2014 , 03:35 PM
What stops Stars from simply banning scripts at the threat of a life ban + funds seized? Should be easy enough to see who's using one, and based on their ToS it's not like they'd need an absurdly rigorous standard of proof.
10-16-2014 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Jajajaja
From the looks of it, you didnt feel like you were good enough to start tables so you used a script until you improved and felt like you were good enough to start tables.
No, I have always started tables too (on off for the last 4 years) so I would mix in table starting even though I was a dog in those games.

Originally Posted by Jajajaja
In other words, you are telling ppl you should get a script or stop complaining about getting in good games/not wanting to start tables (ie you are part of the problem as you are telling them it is ok).
You're crossing in to dumb again because that is clearly not what I said. I never mentioned anyone complaining, I said in the current climate there's really only 2 options to get into the games regularly. If people don't start tables or don't script they are at a disadvantage, how is this statement wrong? I am not saying that it's ok, that I want there to be scripts or anything like. I am merely empathetic with the fact that people are now feeling pushed in to a choice.

Originally Posted by Jajajaja
Another thing is that you seem to think the seat/table selection is an integral part of poker, which it isnt.
Again you are are wrong. It has always been an integral part of poker, not just online but for many many years before in live games. Whether it should be so integral is another debate entirely and not something i'm really bothered to argue with you now. A counter point to this is that I do not like the thought of Stars or any site removing this aspect of poker to line their own pockets which is almost undoubtedly what will happen if they use the scripting issue to force through changes at the reg tables.

Originally Posted by Jajajaja
And i bet you would not want to ban scripts 6+ months ago while you were using one.
You bet do you? reeaaaaaalllly?

JFC, look up old threads on the ssfr forum and the Internet forum. You will see that I have voraciously attacked the use of scripts even during the time I was felt forced to use one and explained my reasons for this.

Originally Posted by Jajajaja
I have said this before but i have played about 30k hands of 400nl the last 2-3 months, but the seat scripts have made it unplayable for me.
Cool, so about 2-3% of your volume on stars has been 400nl tables giving you an expert insight to them. Like I said, if you can't compare the state of the games to last year, or before that, then you don't really have a clue as to how it has effected the games.

Your entire post seems to be you speculating about what I think on the subject, despite the fact that I have written my views about scripts many times on here. Just ****ing read what I write and stop assuming it means something else.
10-16-2014 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by ssg
grinding MTT is fun
said no one, ever.
10-16-2014 , 08:03 PM
Said people that run good @ late tournament flips

Also, Ponty is my fav.
10-16-2014 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by ssg
Been pretty good , sattie and cashed in the wcoop main. And ft the milly. So I will stick with mtt for now
Very nice indeed. GL
10-16-2014 , 11:20 PM
just want to chime in that live is super scummy and even scummier than online at times

seat switching is a regular occurance and regs are not sly about it either, especially the old guys. **** them.
10-16-2014 , 11:41 PM
When people say they're winning 2b/100 is that 1BB? IE $4/100 hands. I feel like some time in the past 5 years people just switched to saying bb instead of BB and I didn't get the memo.

Also bananazoo is the best 200z reg because he is the only one who responds to my movie trivia questions in chat
