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03-27-2012 , 05:41 AM
I smoke a pack a day. on and off for 7 years, probably around 4 years of smoking. it always starts off as a "social smoker" around drinking. if I could pay for the price of cigarettes everyday to quit smoking I would... it's soooo hard, don't ever start. I've always thought I was a strong willed person but it's Alot harder to drop than people expect. cigarettes are seriously the perfect product lol

and no i don't smoke because I think it's cool, it's actually quite the opposite.
03-27-2012 , 06:01 AM
thanks for turning me into a smoker douchebag

[x] gives good advice in ftp regs thread
[x] gives effed up advice in real life
03-27-2012 , 08:16 AM
I used to smoke but was able to give it up. If smoking makes you feel bad just remember that everytime you look at a cigarette. It helped me whenever I both remembered how bad smoking a cigarette made me feel afterward, as well as the lasting damage and health problems it causes. The stuff is poison, so if everytime you see it you view it as poison, then that should not make you want it anymore, or at least that's how it worked for me. Also refusing to buy cigarettes no matter what helped. Smoking can be an impulse decision but actually buying cigarettes requires more effort, which I think gives you more opportunity to check yourself before you light up again. Smoking sucks so gl all in your efforts to quit.

If none of the above works, just start smoking pot instead. Pot is way better anyway.
03-27-2012 , 03:12 PM
fk im such a noob, I was trying to note someone in zoom and accidentally glitched and somehow noted myself green and now I can't get it to go away. suggestions?
03-27-2012 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by JRuViC
fk im such a noob, I was trying to note someone in zoom and accidentally glitched and somehow noted myself green and now I can't get it to go away. suggestions?
greens are for fish. seems right. keep it.
03-27-2012 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by BEAR JEW
if I could pay for the price of cigarettes everyday to quit smoking I would... it's soooo hard, don't ever start. I've always thought I was a strong willed person but it's Alot harder to drop than people expect.
You seem like you seriously want to quit. I think you should consider a good quality E-Cig (i.e not the crap they sell at stalls in shopping centers), decent ones are better than you think and cheaper than smoking.

I've quit smoking going on 9 months now because of E-Cigs, best thing I've ever bought. If you're interested there's a thread on 2p2. The information is quite overwhelming for newbies but it's def worth reading about them imo.
03-27-2012 , 03:34 PM
i actually have one!! i initially bought it so i can smoke/vape on the plane hahaha, but ive been puffing on this non stop for the past couple of weeks. ive been spending alot of time with my mom and she can know im a degen etc, but CANNOT find out i smoke. ive been smoking 1 or 2 max when i get the chance, or a whole pack to make up for loss time.

for the last hour ive been puffing on this thing non stop and im actually concerned that ill get nicotine poisoning. how are you suppose to know when to stop? i have the 50-1 trio, and it blinks if ive been puffing on it too long, but it resets obviously. I just dont know when to stop really. I saw that they have a new e cig thread, the old one was SOOOO long. which e cig do you have? i kinda want the different cartridge, the duel/double one? i have the triple one so i cant "drip" which i want to try.
03-27-2012 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by JRuViC
fk im such a noob, I was trying to note someone in zoom and accidentally glitched and somehow noted myself green and now I can't get it to go away. suggestions?
go to options > players notes > search ur name and delete the note on urself
03-27-2012 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by thatssosick
greens are for fish. seems right. keep it.
bahahaha. i use green for fish, too.
03-27-2012 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by BEAR JEW
i actually have one!! i initially bought it so i can smoke/vape on the plane hahaha, but ive been puffing on this non stop for the past couple of weeks. ive been spending alot of time with my mom and she can know im a degen etc, but CANNOT find out i smoke. ive been smoking 1 or 2 max when i get the chance, or a whole pack to make up for loss time.

for the last hour ive been puffing on this thing non stop and im actually concerned that ill get nicotine poisoning. how are you suppose to know when to stop? i have the 50-1 trio, and it blinks if ive been puffing on it too long, but it resets obviously. I just dont know when to stop really. I saw that they have a new e cig thread, the old one was SOOOO long. which e cig do you have? i kinda want the different cartridge, the duel/double one? i have the triple one so i cant "drip" which i want to try.
Haven't heard of 50-1 trio but it sounds like it came with pre-filled cartridges? Does it look exactly like a cigarette? Did you get it at a gas station/mall? (jeez I've turned American).

If the answers to the above 3 are yes then it's more than likely one of the crappy ones (no offence). I had a similar one at the start but I still smoked at same time. You need to order a decent one online with bottles of liquid that you fill blank carts with yourself, you'll be surprised at how cheap they are.

I've got a Riva 510 which is 10x better than the one I had originally. I got it start of July and apart from maybe 3 very drunken nights out I haven't smoked since.

Review video here -->

You should ask some questions in that thread, some of the people know much much more than me about e-cigs and they'll help you out.

I highly recommend the Riva 510, seriously the best purchase I've made in my life! It does look a bit stupid but after a while you won't want something that looks like a cigarette anyway.

Do some research/ask some questions and give a decent one a try. Could well be the best thing you've ever done
03-27-2012 , 05:19 PM
green regular, yellow = note, red fish
03-27-2012 , 05:31 PM
green fish, yellow bad reg, orange reg, red maniac, purple shortstack, blue whale.
03-27-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by thatssosick
green fish, yellow bad reg, orange reg, red maniac, purple shortstack, blue whale.
Same except yellow=tight reg and 2 shades of purple for shorties to know whether I can 3b the **** out of them or not.
03-27-2012 , 06:20 PM
green = station fish
green = loose aggressive fish
green = loose passive fish
green = aggro fish
green = reg fish
03-27-2012 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Jex
green = station fish
green = loose aggressive fish
green = loose passive fish
green = aggro fish
green = reg fish
Fairly sure you're supposed to mark fish as 'red' and regs as 'green'.
03-27-2012 , 06:26 PM
Blue = Ocean. Fish live in the ocean. Fish = blue.
Yellow = Reg, subliminally calling your opponent a coward and making him appear weak.
Purple = Whale. Dunno why, probably fate.
03-27-2012 , 06:34 PM

i feel like some dude in the middle of a desert listening to people discussing water.
03-27-2012 , 06:34 PM
^this man knows the score

edit: fail. was @malefiicus
03-27-2012 , 06:35 PM
Merge man, merge. Get a stake, nothing at risk.
03-27-2012 , 07:10 PM
always used purple for fish on FTP, think because I saw giggy do it
03-27-2012 , 07:31 PM
Lol, I actually had Andrew Feldman as pink, the annoying little idiot.
03-27-2012 , 07:41 PM
The best question is what color everyone had for yam-chae
03-27-2012 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by aggo
The best question is what everyone had for yam-chae
Lol, I swear he hated me with a passion. I've hands with him from 25NL (08) to
03-27-2012 , 07:45 PM
we should go back to a more interesting topic, because colour assignment is f gay



03-27-2012 , 07:46 PM
