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***** official 2010 stars regs thread **** ***** official 2010 stars regs thread ****

04-16-2010 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by tuuufts
uhhhhh wow... nice call... i guess?
reads: hes running 90/50 over 100 hands he flatted a sqz of mine and raised huge called a shove on Q94hh with J8 no h
he also shoved a river vs a reg with a missed draw after calling down
plus he went from having a 1k+ stack to losing quit a few giant pots in a row i felt he was tilted so i checked to induce
also i bet flop bet turn cause i get value from any draw he has, plus LITERALLY any pair, lol a reg raised him on the river with the nuts and he called no pair just K high =S
he also had exactly the hand i had in my mind
04-16-2010 , 01:21 AM
Anyone play/played on UB have any feedback?
04-16-2010 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by 1nsight
not sure if u have a problem with being outted so i wont say the sn but would u happen to be a certain some1 that called a 4b of mine once that i went on complaining about in chat for like 10 minutes LOL despite winning the hand LOL
I'm not sure if that's the particular hand I'm thinking of, but I did call one of your 4b's with AQo when you had AK and bet/called shove by me on a J10x flop. Does that solve it now?
04-16-2010 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by mythrilfox
this is sooo key to a fullstack victory over shortstack victory. i don't think there's any excuse (both in terms of immediate profit and future profit) to halfstack instead of starting a new 100bb or 250bb table.
I ran a few half stack tables today for a few reasons. I am going for SNE so I need to get hands in. I was on a bunch of waiting lists and started 3 tables but like 15 min in I had like 10 tables running. I have been running like 18ish and it took like 5 minutes to get that going. Also, it's only been two days but I am getting less vpp per hand at the 40bb tables. Anyway, the games were def easier but u still had to deal with the shortstack regs. It was nice though to get to like $150 and play a guy who worked up to that from lucky double ups. A few stacked off waaaaay too light.

That said, it was annoying as hell and with rake I can't see how these games are better than simply moving down a level and playing 100 bb deep there. If anyone can explain that to me, I'd like to hear why you play the shallow tables.

Looks like this is a win win for shorties and full stackers to me. They get easier games and we get none of them if we choose
04-16-2010 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by HBomb
I'm not sure if that's the particular hand I'm thinking of, but I did call one of your 4b's with AQo when you had AK and bet/called shove by me on a J10x flop. Does that solve it now?
LOL thats the EXACT hand i was talking about =P
i hope u dont take anything i say at the tables offensively btw
i have since taken off my chat box since i just cant keep my mouth shut
all it really does is make me tilt myself
04-16-2010 , 01:29 AM
Yeah, don't take any of it personally, just let me rant if you start seeing that kind of stuff. I've actually come to be friends with the people that tilt me the most (to name a few browerkid, steel108) . I've had Pstars ban my chat for decent amounts of time already.

Last edited by HBomb; 04-16-2010 at 01:43 AM.
04-16-2010 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by gawdawaful
Anyone play/played on UB have any feedback?
I've played a ton on UB. It is easier, but it is harder to play a lot of hands and there aren't as many tables. I've never had any problems w/ cashouts, customer service, etc.
04-16-2010 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by HBomb
ah lol, man, if it weren't for you, I would probably be up a lot more this month, why do I always spew to you and end up chatting back to you on the tables? I know you know who I am as it is. You've got good results this month, I'm not surprised, you're like a young me up and coming. Un-tilt-able, enjoying the $ you're making, and motivated to get to higher limits. Whereas, I'm tilt-able, not enjoying the $ I'm making, and not as motivated as you. lol You'd probably be in my top 5 guys I'd stake at the $100 NL's lately. (Not even sure if I can name 5 other decent winning regs off the top of my head at $100 NL)

Raiden6698 (spelling?)
MadHattter (maybe?)
If you are good at 100nl then move up, 200nl isn't even hard and there are tons of fish even though everyone seems to think otherwise
04-16-2010 , 03:27 AM
Anyone else finding the new hud on hem buggy? It's almost as if the software lags for me now when i try to click on buttons in the stars client to raise, fold etc. I need a fix pronto this garbage with no results from deep tables and now a buggy hud is driving me up the wall.
04-16-2010 , 04:34 AM
Weird question but have any of you ever had a dream where some or all of your teeth fall out? I've had it multiple times and apparently one of my friends has them too and its kinda weird. The last time I even "figured out" it wasn't a dream and it was even worse :/
04-16-2010 , 05:09 AM
its meant to be a common recurring dream although i have never had it.
04-16-2010 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by Kevin8423
Weird question but have any of you ever had a dream where some or all of your teeth fall out? I've had it multiple times and apparently one of my friends has them too and its kinda weird. The last time I even "figured out" it wasn't a dream and it was even worse :/
That's supposed to be a really common one but I can't remember what its supposed to mean.
04-16-2010 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by HBomb
ah lol, man, if it weren't for you, I would probably be up a lot more this month, why do I always spew to you and end up chatting back to you on the tables? I know you know who I am as it is. You've got good results this month, I'm not surprised, you're like a young me up and coming. Un-tilt-able, enjoying the $ you're making, and motivated to get to higher limits. Whereas, I'm tilt-able, not enjoying the $ I'm making, and not as motivated as you. lol You'd probably be in my top 5 guys I'd stake at the $100 NL's lately. (Not even sure if I can name 5 other decent winning regs off the top of my head at $100 NL)

Raiden6698 (spelling?)
MadHattter (maybe?)
Raiden's pretty good, and is about the only 100nl reg who owns me simply by check calling sometimes . Madhatter seems solid, Sniderstyle OK in general but kinda tilty? Haven't played any hands with InDerDonk and hardly any with zbpoker - if I've grasped who is who correctly from this thread they mostly play euro tables?

Much as it pains me (), you HAVE to have Blitzology in the top 5, although I run good against him. I think Berserk (sp?) and Veertje (sp?) are decent, but yeh, there's not many 100nl regs without huge leaks (unsurprisingly).
04-16-2010 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by Kevin8423
Weird question but have any of you ever had a dream where some or all of your teeth fall out? I've had it multiple times and apparently one of my friends has them too and its kinda weird. The last time I even "figured out" it wasn't a dream and it was even worse :/
google is your friend
04-16-2010 , 08:07 AM
any brits have a view on the debate from last night?
04-16-2010 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by scoop05333
any brits have a view on the debate from last night?
cockney double decker red bus!
04-16-2010 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by scoop05333
any brits have a view on the debate from last night?
they're all ***** but if I'm going to vote it'll be libdem.

I knew all that anyway but it's nice to have it confirmed.
04-16-2010 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by ISO
google is your friend
I know it's common I was just wondering who else has had it
04-16-2010 , 11:35 AM
serious question: do you all think that the 20-50bb tables should have no rathole timer and that shortstackers should be allowed to take their profits away from the table down to 20bb? It's no different than ratholing and I feel like this would pretty much solve everything since there would be no open seat bias due to shortstackers making a ton more games 4-5 handed than fullstacked players.
04-16-2010 , 12:20 PM
no more than 20 tables with plrs/flop over 20% at 100nl and 200nl together atm. games are dead (obv not inclunding shallow tables). sigh
04-16-2010 , 12:43 PM
lol, you guys will like this, compliments of Bigacsiga

Isildur offers hope:
04-16-2010 , 12:53 PM
omg shallow omaha is so stupid but so insanely fun at the same time, I can't resist.
04-16-2010 , 01:02 PM
took my first shot at 400nl...

cya next shot

obv not the biggest pot, but easily the most painful:

Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: $581.00
BTN: $251.60
Hero (SB): $685.80
BB: $103.70
UTG: $161.40

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is SB with 4 4
UTG raises to $16, 1 fold, BTN calls $16, Hero calls $14, BB calls $12

Flop: ($64.00) 7 4 K (4 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $8, UTG calls $8, BTN calls $8, Hero raises to $36, BB calls $28, UTG calls $28, BTN calls $28

Turn: ($208.00) K (4 players)
Hero bets $633.80 all in, BB calls $51.70 all in, UTG calls $109.40 all in, BTN folds

River: ($478.50) 6 (3 players - 3 are all in)

Final Pot: $478.50
Hero shows 4 4 (a full house, Fours full of Kings)
BB shows 8 K (three of a kind, Kings)
UTG shows 7 7 (a full house, Sevens full of Kings)
UTG wins $115.40
UTG wins $361.10
(Rake: $2.00)

he trap me

Last edited by gorgeouss; 04-16-2010 at 01:08 PM.
04-16-2010 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by TheBob
That's supposed to be a really common one but I can't remember what its supposed to mean.
Dreams of falling teeth are the most common dreams that Dream Moods receives. The typical dream scenarios include having your teeth crumble in your hands, fall out one by one with just a light tap, grow crooked or rot. Such dreams are not only horrifying and shocking, but they often leave you with a lasting image of the dream. So what does it mean?

One theory is that dreams about your teeth reflect your anxieties about your appearance and how others perceive you. Sadly, we live in a world where appearance and attractiveness matter and your teeth help to convey that image. Teeth play an important role in the game of flirtation, whether it be flashing those pearly white, kissing or necking. Thus, such dreams may stem from a fear of rejection, sexual impotence or the consequences of getting old. Additionally, a dream research found that women in menopause have frequent dreams about teeth. This further points to teeth dreams as being related to getting older and/or feeling unattractive and less feminine. Teeth are an important feature to your attractiveness and how you are presented to others. Caring about how you look is natural and healthy.

Another rationalization for these falling teeth dreams may be rooted in your fear of being embarrassed or making a fool of yourself in some situation. These dreams are an over-exaggeration of your worries and anxieties. Perhaps the dream may be a result of you being unprepared for the task at hand.

Teeth are used to bite, tear, chew and gnaw. In this regard, teeth represent power. And the loss of teeth in your dream may be from a sense of powerlessness. Are you lacking power in some current situation? Perhaps you are having difficulties expressing yourself or getting your point across. You feel frustrated when your voice is not being heard. You may be experiencing feelings of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence in some situation or relationship in your life. This dream may be an indication that you need to be more assertive and believe in the value of your own opinion.

Traditionally, it was thought that dreaming that you did not have teeth, represent malnutrition which may be applicable to some dreamers.

Other Perspectives

A scriptural interpretation for bad or falling teeth indicate that you are putting your faith, trust, and beliefs in what man thinks rather than in the word of God. The bible says that God speaks once, yea twice in a dream or a vision in order to hide pride from us, to keep us back from the pit, to open our ears (spiritually) and to instruct and correct us.

In the Greek culture, when you dream about loose, rotten, or missing teeth, it indicates that a family member or close friend is very sick or even near death.

According to the Chinese, there is a saying that your teeth will fall out if you are telling lies.

It has also been said that if you dream of your teeth falling out, then it symbolizes money. This is based on the old tooth fairy story. If you lose a tooth and leave it under the pillow, a tooth fairy would bring you money.
04-16-2010 , 02:40 PM
ok the question seriously must be asked and answered: what is it about the national character, educational system or general culture that makes all germans super nits at poker? Let's just be honest here for a minute.

All you euros help me out. While we're at it I'd love to know why all Russians are insane/terrible.
