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12-17-2010 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Chaos_ult
does quicktender = usemywallet, or are they two different things?
same thing
12-17-2010 , 04:42 PM
lol sigh i spewed off like 1k and still managed to finish +300 after like 12 hours which is like 300 hands which is like 15mins of rush LOL but oooommmmgggggg after i spewed off and was stuck like 1k i took another adderall and then like owned by force after following my ''never bluff live ever'' rule, im going to paass out soon since i was up all night but i have one LOL hand that needs retelling which ill post when i wake up
12-17-2010 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by peterpjames
Getting that bad lag playing rush on FT right now
Yeah... WTF is this ****. Rush is lagging like insert witty line about cripples.

In regards to the point change thing, we'll see. I'm pretty confident.
12-17-2010 , 05:44 PM
it specifically says that they're changing them to correspond to the changes they made to the point system earlier in the year though

to me that pretty much makes it seem like they have to raise the prices since they've already devalued them by making the points easier to get in the first place
12-17-2010 , 05:58 PM
Yeah, but they are already losing people due to the black card change, and if they start the new year off badly they'll lose even more people to Stars. Plus, Stars is almost certainly going to have some cool changes in the next week or two which FTP will have to compete with. Consider the value of tournament tickets is > the value of cash bonuses, and the cash bonuses were created AFTER the point change, it only makes sense that prices would go down. Also, the cash bonuses are a better deal than buying any electronics through the store, which means they can't raise the value of the electronics.

So to make sense out of that ramble.

Cash bonuses were made after the bonus change.
It's better to buy cash bonuses than electronics.

This means that since they won't be raising the cost of cash bonuses (because they made that change after they introduced the new point system), they can't heighten the price of electronics because they're already a bad value. However, they're not willing to go so far as to make everything worth the same value as a tournament ticket so they intend to lower the price of the electronics by a bit (to match with the cash bonuses slightly better), and likely lower the price of the cash bonuses by a little bit (to keep a similar ratio between electronics and $).

Also, to quote FTP doug.

Black Card / Iron Man Update:

I apologize in advance for the vagueness of what's to follow, but I can't give any real details just yet. We have decided on the first round of changes to both programs, and there is at least one change coming for each. Unfortunately, it's likely the earliest we'll see the changes is in January. December is possible for one of them, but there's a decent chance it won't be ready in time.

While it's pretty frustrating that I can't say more than that, I thought it'd be better news to say that at least a couple of changes are coming than to say nothing at all. I can also say the changes are exclusively positive, and any players affected by the changes will only benefit.
Maybe this'll be enough to quell the dissenters? Oh, and by no means do I think it'll be some drastic change.
12-17-2010 , 06:03 PM
Full Tilt also tried to describe the Black Card changes as entirely positive/beneficial.
12-17-2010 , 06:09 PM
And they got a **** ton of hell for it in the black card thread. They acknowledged that they shouldn't have hyped up the black card and created such a buzz because clearly they're not good at meeting high expectations. So their new strategy should be subtle, and have as little buzz as possible while being a positive change. This situation sounds a lot like that.

Also, not that my understand of this situation needs any more support, but it makes sense that they'd off you bonuses to get rid of your FTPs before they made them more valuable. Why would they make them less valuable and give you a bonus at the same time (it's like saying "Hey, the dollar is about to go down in value, let me buy them all up and give you a bonus!" as opposed to my understanding of their message which is "Hey, the dollar is about to go up in value, if you sell them to me now I'll give you a bonus!") One of those situations is beneficial to the company and makes the consumer feel ok with spending them before they gained value, the other is not beneficial to the company and makes the consumer feel happy that he spent them before they became cheap.

Last edited by Malefiicus; 12-17-2010 at 06:16 PM.
12-17-2010 , 06:09 PM
Maybe it doesn't matter who starts the FTP regs thread if all the regs move to the Stars thread???
12-17-2010 , 06:11 PM
i'm hoping for the best, but i don't like the fact that they are being ambiguous about it. you would think if the prices were going to be lowered they would just come out and say it
12-17-2010 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Malefiicus
And they got a **** ton of hell for it in the black card thread. They acknowledged that they shouldn't have hyped up the black card and created such a buzz because clearly they're not good at meeting high expectations. So their new strategy should be subtle, and have as little buzz as possible while being a positive change. This situation sounds a lot like that.
This would make a lot of sense, I'm just warning that Full Tilt is capable of anything
12-17-2010 , 06:30 PM
Remember how excited we all were for black card lol.
I distinctly remember people saying it was like xmas eve.
12-17-2010 , 06:34 PM
Does anyone else's FTP freeze occasionally when they press the 'options' button on the table? I accidentally press it far too often and pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL and then ESC sorts it all out. Maybe it's just my computer.
12-17-2010 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by panda
Does anyone else's FTP freeze occasionally when they press the 'options' button on the table? I accidentally press it far too often and pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL and then ESC sorts it all out. Maybe it's just my computer.
always happens when i have a set
12-17-2010 , 06:42 PM
Clearly this is a byproduct of black and white avatars.
12-17-2010 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
Maybe it doesn't matter who starts the FTP regs thread if all the regs move to the Stars thread???
but Stars doesnt have the crack cocaine of poker.
12-17-2010 , 08:11 PM
^^^ 6 month self exclude was my best decision all month
12-17-2010 , 08:59 PM
if any of you is hochiminraise, stop using half your time bank to slowroll the fish. you're just wasting our time. kthnx
12-17-2010 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by obobcatu
if any of you is hochiminraise, stop using half your time bank to slowroll the fish. you're just wasting our time. kthnx
hahaha, he was my old roomate
12-17-2010 , 11:07 PM
yo bearjew get on aim real quick
12-17-2010 , 11:37 PM
So ****ing pissed I didn't think of this first.
12-18-2010 , 12:03 AM
alright so i just woke up....and i thought id retell my most memorable livehand ever....its from an aim convo and kind of lengthy but i dont wanna type it all up and its well worth it imo

alex barnett 10:22 pm
u need to hear
u need to hear about this one hand
dong kim 10:22 pm
alex barnett 10:22 pm
u will die
of laughte
dong kim 10:22 pm
haha lets ehar it
hear it*
alex barnett 10:22 pm
2/5 nl 10handed
4 limpers or something
im in sb and i complete 75o
bb checks
im like ....
and eventually im like **** it and i just lead
like 20 or so
bb folds one limper folds
aggro kind of clowny internetguy calls
some whatever guy calls
and some halfstacking donk calls
so theres like 100 something in the pot
im like alright
c/f time
dong kim 10:23 pm
haha at your credit
alex barnett 10:23 pm
bringing a fd
im like wtf
my hand looks strong as **** and anyone who has me ****ed would have raised
wtf am i gunna do chck here
oh nah
so i lead 125
dong kim 10:24 pm
ohhh nahhhh calll call calll
alex barnett 10:24 pm
the last calling guy
has like
150 behidn
just like flatting 3/4 his stack
dong kim 10:24 pm
so the pots like 400?
alex barnett 10:24 pm
like 6
dong kim 10:24 pm
wow 600 bucks limped pre
alex barnett 10:25 pm
so im like
dong kim 10:25 pm
dude, i hope you check folded
alex barnett 10:25 pm
im gunna jam a blank riv
dong kim 10:25 pm
omg, this is gonna be sad
alex barnett 10:25 pm
riv 6
im like ok
65 got there
i cant bet here
only reason i would is to prevent myself from being bluffed
by that aggro internet dude
but i know that he knows
that the halfstacking ******
is just sitting there
so he has no FE in his eyes
so im like holla
check it throug hbitches
i check
i win at showdown
dong kim 10:26 pm
it was 4 way on the river?
do you have top pair no kicker?
im confused
how many 5's are in the deck lololol
alex barnett 10:26 pm
you are correct
are u ready to hear
what villains had
dong kim 10:26 pm
alex barnett 10:26 pm
2nd villain
had like t8 or some ****
dong kim 10:27 pm
i assume they all had 5's loll, which is fishy as it is
alex barnett 10:27 pm
doublegutter on the flop
5 or 9
halfstack ******ed who checked behind
had q5hh
HAD 74
dong kim 10:27 pm
alex barnett 10:27 pm
dong kim 10:27 pm
omg how do you wint hat
alex barnett 10:27 pm
12-18-2010 , 12:21 AM
So does Dongerr= Bear Jeww?
12-18-2010 , 12:26 AM
lol funny story
12-18-2010 , 12:27 AM
funny had, was preoccupied and took like 10 minutes to finish it. had to keep reading back
12-18-2010 , 12:33 AM

would sound better coming from one of these
