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*** The OFFICIAL 2008 FTP Regulars Thread *** *** The OFFICIAL 2008 FTP Regulars Thread ***

09-17-2008 , 11:55 PM
nm won't out him then.
09-17-2008 , 11:56 PM
It's been established multiple times that HEM's converted hands show up as Party Poker.
09-17-2008 , 11:58 PM
Happens if you don't rightclick and chose copy to clipboard but instead manually paste the HH from HEM (at least for the flopturnriver converter last time I checked)

It's been established multiple times that HEM's converted hands show up as Party Poker.
Copy to clipboard and paste to site via CTR+V = works + faster :P
09-18-2008 , 12:07 AM
ya thats what i've always done, never tried the other way
09-18-2008 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by KaiserSose
Its so ****ing depressing how much of poker is luck based.
Are you related to Phil Helmuth, lol...
09-18-2008 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by pokerpudii
Are you related to Phil Helmuth, lol...
since when is luck not a HUGE factor??
09-18-2008 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by spivey
Some of the converters do that w/ ftp handa, so quite obv he didn't fake it. Which should really be obv, why would he post a ftp hand, converted as PP, in the ftp thread if it wasn't actually on ftp?
HEM HH convert as PP unless you change it. I forgot.
09-18-2008 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by WutRUTryin2Hit
Yeah I did mention that at the end, that you pick up enough pots anyway that it's not brutal.. I just feel like when you DO manage to get it in, you just don't see AQ or worse anywhere near as much as you want. But yeah still not like I'm gonna play AK slow or anything, still a profitable hand.
Hands i've seen aipf this year vs me i can remember off the top of my head...i'm sure there are more (for those that don't know me I'm NOT a LAG either)

all 100bb's, majority vs. regs


many more i can't remember I'm sure, as obv. AT-AQ/KQ a ton
09-18-2008 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by pokerpudii
Are you related to Phil Helmuth, lol...
I'm not saying that I'm particularly unlucky. It just hard to log hands everyday knowing that whether or not I have a good day may be completely out of my hands. Anyways, enjoy the monies I shipped today.
09-18-2008 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by vancouverspecial
Hands i've seen aipf this year vs me i can remember off the top of my head...i'm sure there are more (for those that don't know me I'm NOT a LAG either)

all 100bb's, majority vs. regs
(buncha hands)
For sure, I'm just saying overall I'm pretty sure if you counted ALL your all-in preflops and then checked how many were total spazzo hands, it'd be very small percentage-wise. For sure it could be maybe be a weird sample size thing for me, but I really think that just overall there are a lot of very TAGgy nits who just fold less than AK to a 4bet and don't even consider shoving, etc. Not saying it never happens, just nowhere near as much as in other games (euro sites I've played on, stakes other than 100NL on ftp, etc). Imo.
09-18-2008 , 12:48 AM
Karina Jett is at my table, so naturally I look up her table ratings to confirm my suspicions that she is terrible, and this is the first hand I see:

it's probably not chip dumping, but just figured I'd share

whole TR here:
09-18-2008 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
Karina Jett is at my table, so naturally I look up her table ratings to confirm my suspicions that she is terrible, and this is the first hand I see:

it's probably not chip dumping, but just figured I'd share

whole TR here:
They are both named Jett...hmmmmm
09-18-2008 , 01:05 AM
I obv know that they're married
09-18-2008 , 01:08 AM
If you eliminate AK from your 4betting range, it becomes highly exploitable. Since you are not balancing your ranges correctly. And a good villain will be able to put u on pocketpairs instead. But, noone at 100nl is competent enough to do so, so do whatever you want. Oh, yeah its obviously -ev to 4bet AK vs like super nits. Its pretty strange that whenever i call 3bets from supernits an ace or king never comes, but comes more often vs other more aggressive players. Card blockers lol. Just confirms that they are in fact holding aces and kings. Many people at this level just have extremely big preflop leaks.
09-18-2008 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
this is the first hand I see:

it's probably not chip dumping, but just figured I'd share

look harder.

also, keyser is ur s/n outed? PM? i played a bit with karina today too (and yes, she is god ****ing awful).
09-18-2008 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by El P
look harder.

also, keyser is ur s/n outed? PM? i played a bit with karina today too (and yes, she is god ****ing awful).
lol okay I'm confused. And my SN is BillFristLOL
09-18-2008 , 01:12 AM
thoughts on giggysmaid? played today for the 1st time today. he struck me as a pretty competent LAGish player. i didnt adjust well and ended up like a station vs him (moreso than usual).
09-18-2008 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
lol okay I'm confused.
her opponent is chip jett. presumably her husband. obv they're just stuffing around. although if she did this at the tables i wouldnt be at all surprised.
09-18-2008 , 01:15 AM
I think giggysmaid recently moved down from 400nl and is good friends with another skilled lag with some sort of Giggy name. He's much more competent than most other current 200nl lags?
09-18-2008 , 01:22 AM
i only played a very small amount with him, but yeah he just seemed to have a good "feel" for things. which probably means he's a good hand reader, and good at exploiting his agg image. though he's by no means unexploitable himself.
09-18-2008 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by KaiserSose
some sort of Giggy name

I wish I was friends with DrGiggy
09-18-2008 , 01:39 AM
so does 'giggysmaid' mean he's DrGiggys bitch or something?
09-18-2008 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by Mr_Pathetic
I haven't read past this but I am going to post this now. All this talk about how everyone sucks is ****ing hilarious. Over 100k hands hardly anyone beats the **** out of 100 period. It is that simple. I would imagine the amount of ppl with over 5ptbb at 100 for more than 100k hands is very very small.
microbrag? just checked my last 100k and thought about Mr P's post

09-18-2008 , 03:25 AM
Virge do you find the PL games softer than the NL games? I notice your winrate is significantly higher in PL. Obviously lol samplesizeaments and that - but just curious what your experience has been.

I've never played PL.
09-18-2008 , 03:26 AM

Close enough imo, plus it's double the steaks
