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nl200 live set on flop 200BB deep nl200 live set on flop 200BB deep

06-18-2008 , 06:41 AM
Vilain has $410 and doesnt play too much hand and didnt saw him raising pf too much. He just got very lucky by hitting runner flush and playing the hand badly.

I have $380 and so far I'm playing tight but raising pf at every chance I get.

6 players, I raise UTG to $7 with 22.

Everyone fold, vilain who is SB reraise to $33. I think for awhile and decide to call because of our stack.

Flop AQ2 with 2 diamonds

He bet $40, I call

Turn 3 spade

He push allin within 3 seconds and I call.

06-18-2008 , 06:57 AM
bbv is thatta way ---------->
06-18-2008 , 07:03 AM
[Insert Helmuth instacall gif]

I'd fold pf prob, but as played, you could go for a CR on the flop, otherwise fine.
06-18-2008 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by sorcer
[Insert Helmuth instacall gif]

I'd fold pf prob, but as played, you could go for a CR on the flop, otherwise fine.
I'm UTG and Vilain is SB, so you would raise the flop and call a shove?

And ShipitFMA, why do you think this belong to BBV? I want serious input and advice on this hand.
06-18-2008 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by HappyChicken
I'm UTG and Vilain is SB, so you would raise the flop and call a shove?

And ShipitFMA, why do you think this belong to BBV? I want serious input and advice on this hand.
If you are going to set mine, then you better be willing to get it in when you do hit your set. Otherwise whats the point of calling w/ 22? If he set over setted you, its just a bad beat and no way to avoid it postflop.
06-18-2008 , 07:33 AM
Preflop is marginal at best. I'd fold for his raise and generally set mining is -EV.

I'd raise/call shove on the flop.
06-18-2008 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by HappyChicken
I'm UTG and Vilain is SB, so you would raise the flop and call a shove?
Oh right, my bad. Then I mean raise. Like Dave posted, if you gonna setmine then you have to go with it.
06-18-2008 , 08:05 AM
Thanks. Pre-flop, I tought about it for 2-3 minutes and finally said to myself "I want to go home big" so I called the $33 to flop a set and hope to stack him.

I'll put all the money on the flop next time.
