Originally Posted by Fistdantilus
Super easy b/c turn. Failing that, I don't hate a crai.
It's not so much of "pick a range that I beat", it's more "pick a range that beats you" and there are so very few combos of that.
Pretty sure it's not "super easy"...but I'm leaning into it's a call after all. I attempted the ranges myself and it looks like this:
95 in the pot on turn, 186 stacks left. Betting 60. If he shoves we get
126 : 60 + 95 + 186 = 126 : 341 = needed equity
Next, toy around some ranges. Not many hands but he did flat a 3bet and call a cbet after all. First a range that's only value:
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 15.550% 12.92% 02.63% 108 22.00 { KcKh }
Hand 1: 84.450% 81.82% 02.63% 684 22.00 { JJ+, 99, 55 }
A range that's value + KQs, AQs:
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 28.360% 25.99% 02.37% 263 24.00 { KcKh }
Hand 1: 71.640% 69.27% 02.37% 701 24.00 { JJ+, 99, 55, AQs, KQs }
So that's already a close call. Does a relative unknown overplay KQ/AQ enough to justify this range? Maybe....
A range that's value + KQ, AQ is a coinflip
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 51.474% 49.39% 02.09% 804 34.00 { KcKh }
Hand 1: 48.526% 46.44% 02.09% 756 34.00 { JJ+, 99, 55, AQs, KQs, AQo, KQo }
But those KQo:s would need to be discounted heavily. Finally, a range that has value hands, TP hands and some (discounted) combo draws mixed in:
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 36.785% 34.76% 02.02% 413 24.00 { KcKh }
Hand 1: 63.215% 61.20% 02.02% 727 24.00 { JJ+, TcTs, TdTs, ThTs, 99, 55, AQs, KQs, JhTh, JsTs }
Reads or more hands would be very useful when deciding what to do.
Some follow up questions:
- since a) betting can put us in a close decision when he shoves b) it can put us in a difficult position on river when he just calls turn (is it an auto shove?), should we be making out life easier / hand more profitable by choosing an alternative line
- a) betting less or more on turn. If you bet/call, what is the optimal bet size?
- c) betting less or more on flop
- b) checking turn