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08-18-2010 , 03:19 AM
opponent plays standard tag. folds to 3bet 59% and is semi stabby post flop, not monkey aggressive. he obv calls with a wide range, but I've seen him flat stuff like QQ too.

he views me as pretty aggro, not a lot of history w/ this sn.

whats our best option and why against this specific guy + how to proceed on various turns?

1) b/s or c
2) c/c
3) c/s

$1/$2 No Limit Holdem
6 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by

UTG ($511.18)
UTG+1 ($227.80)
CO ($203)
BTN ($457.37)
Hero ($200)
BB ($200)

Pre-Flop: ($3, 6 players) Hero is SB K A
2 folds, CO raises to $7, 1 fold, Hero raises to $24, 1 fold, CO calls $17

Flop: 6 4 5 ($50, 2 players)
Hero ($176)?
08-18-2010 , 03:21 AM
if you bet more pre it would be easier to play, no?
08-18-2010 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
if you bet more pre it would be easier to play, no?
Pretty stupid advice to make the 3bet a lot larger than 12bb just cuz it's "hard to play".. Villain "calls with a wide range" and you don't want him to call pre simply cuz we're oop? eh? If he calls wide I obv want him to call pre even more hence a huge 3bet is bad..?

I'm never folding. I'd just cbet ~$32. Did you see a turn..?
08-18-2010 , 04:09 AM
bet flop ship turn.
08-18-2010 , 04:29 AM
Not the focus of the hand, but if he calls wide we can definitely punish him by 3betting larger. As Rockka says, tho, we're not doing it to make the hand easier to play but to win a little more from him.
08-18-2010 , 05:57 AM
hey plz no more preflop advice all of you monkies know how to play pre and I'm just clicking buttons.

also would be cool to hear why I'm doing each option
