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NL100 Squeeze picks up oesd on turn NL100 Squeeze picks up oesd on turn

11-16-2008 , 02:32 PM
Villain in this hand is 30/11/2 over 90 hands, calls 3bet 50% of the time (SMALL sample obv and this is after this hand so it could be 1/2, i dont remember if it was zero when I did this), folds to cbet 42% of the time

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BTN: $116.80
SB: $75.50
Hero (BB): $302.60
UTG: $22.35
CO: $66.90

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with Q T
UTG calls $1, CO raises to $3, 1 fold, SB calls $2.50, Hero raises to $14, 1 fold, CO calls $11, 1 fold

Is it even worth it to squeeze here? I was pretty 3bet happy during this session and didnt really think this was a terrible spot but there are obv better ones

Flop: ($32.00) 5 2 J (2 players)
Hero bets $21, CO calls $21

i think cbet here is standard, but i also think that I will be called down pretty light given that my line pre looks like a squeeze. Im not planning on necessarily giving up here though because of that reason. Is that bad

Turn: ($74.00) K (2 players)
Hero bets $267.60 all in

Spew? I wasnt averse to firing another barrel here, and once i picked up the draw, i figured i could maximize some sort of fold equity, and I didnt really want to check/fold after the preflop and flop action. Is a c/f here a better line? check/call seems pretty stupid unless he is giving me direct odds and check/shove accomplishes very little since any sort of significant bet would be committing him anyways so i figured just shove.......

comments help appreciated thank you
11-16-2008 , 02:36 PM
Yeah shoving is fine, you'll have 14 outs vs. something like 88 some %.

Last edited by ToTheInternet; 11-16-2008 at 02:37 PM. Reason: .
11-16-2008 , 02:52 PM
squeezing a 30/11 semi shorty doesn't seem like a good idea.
11-16-2008 , 03:22 PM
what if UTG shoves, are you calling? Why risk that much money for a buck preflop? UTG is either shoving or folding right? than you are left OOP if UTG doesnt shove, vs a CO who may not be terrible with QTo, or it could be shove, shove and you leave 14$ on the table.

Id pot the flop as played, that extra 10$ is a decision for all his chips, I thnk that is the difference in him folding and not folding IMO.
11-16-2008 , 03:25 PM
you have no idea if that extra 10 makes any difference.
11-16-2008 , 03:48 PM
1st: Leave that table immediately, only 1 fullstack sucks, you find better tables.

2nd: Squeezing ******s with a marginal holding is not a good idea, and QT is one of the worst hands to squeeze with in general, because of the reverse implied odds.

3rd: I think the shove on the turn is fine, you definietly gained folding equity.
11-16-2008 , 03:56 PM
guy is soo short stacked that he is totally committed to this pot IMO and will call here a high % of time. so if you feel like gambling then its fine but not the best spot here IMO. but if you happen to be up against low pair you have a ton of outs atleast.
11-16-2008 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
squeezing a 30/11 semi shorty doesn't seem like a good idea.
heh yeah as I made this post I kind of realized this but just neglected to mention it. The thing is that my image at that particular table was pretty tight, with only a 4% 3bet for the 90 hands i was with those guys. FWIW I was really high and sometimes fail to recognize every aspect which is obv -EV lol (me being high while playing however is still +EV imo). Thought process went "I have a tight image, he is in CO, SB is folding, sqeeeeeze". Probably not optimal.

Originally Posted by guids
what if UTG shoves, are you calling? Why risk that much money for a buck preflop? UTG is either shoving or folding right? than you are left OOP if UTG doesnt shove, vs a CO who may not be terrible with QTo, or it could be shove, shove and you leave 14$ on the table.

Id pot the flop as played, that extra 10$ is a decision for all his chips, I thnk that is the difference in him folding and not folding IMO.
Well yeah I'm obviously calling if UTG shoves, but I see your point. Then again though even if UTG was a competent shortstacker (which he wasnt), his normal shoving range here is probably a lot tighter making it significantly less likely so I wasn't too concerned. TBH it might have just enticed me to squeeze more since > dead money in the pot. Also, I think if CO wants to look me up, its going to happen and its pretty hard to speculate whether or not potting it would be a determining factor. If I pot and he calls then then I lose almost all of my fold equity on the turn, since, as you said, its not much of a decision for him anymore.

Originally Posted by Spurious
1st: Leave that table immediately, only 1 fullstack sucks, you find better tables.

2nd: Squeezing ******s with a marginal holding is not a good idea, and QT is one of the worst hands to squeeze with in general, because of the reverse implied odds.

3rd: I think the shove on the turn is fine, you definietly gained folding equity.
1 - just recently became 5-handed, and the shortstacker/SB were quite bad, and the COs stats weren't a repellent either. I have a problem with leaving tables when there are fish there, even if they aren't fullstacked

2 - Yeah I agree with you here. FWIW I wasn't planning on going to showdown but I do understand that there are more +EV spots to pull this off. I thought that I could use my tight image at that particular table to make this more profitable though. Will probably consider my cards next time too haha
11-16-2008 , 06:37 PM
1)Don't squeeze again semi-shorts OOP with when you're likely to get called.

Postflop is fine, you can't c/r given stacks and shoving maximizes your FE.
11-16-2008 , 07:42 PM
I really hate the squeeze. Not only does the Villain call 3bets lightly (us with very marginal holdings) but he's also a shorty who will look us up a lot more pf. Wait for a better spot and avoid this whole postf spew.
