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nl100 reg on stars looking for immediate sweating/another good player to talk to nl100 reg on stars looking for immediate sweating/another good player to talk to

07-05-2009 , 09:00 AM
As a kinda winning TAG (now feels like TAP) player at nl100 i have had many swings, and currently i am very aware that i'm runnig bad hwoever i am putting it in badly over and over as well and is making me seriously question my game.

I play on pstars and would greatly appreciate to talk to, be sweat by, a wining nl100 or nl200 player that feels like they have a good grasp on the game at this point aside for being whatever winrate.

Thanks a lot, really need help now

07-05-2009 , 10:38 AM
ppl do this for $$ mostly
07-05-2009 , 10:43 AM
im long term winning, (have graphs) i just need to speak with someone about my game a bit and sweat them back of course
