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NL100: QQ in 4-bet pot NL100: QQ in 4-bet pot

11-06-2008 , 06:25 PM
BTN is a regular 19/17
SB is a fish 79/0 over 60 hands. I have seen him limp/call preflop and check/fold on flops a lot. I have not seen him involved in any big pots.

SB ($83.20)
BB ($179)
UTG ($115)
UTG+1 ($97.95)
Hero ($138)
BTN ($98.50)

Dealt to Hero QQ

fold, fold, Hero raises to $3, BTN raises to $10, call, fold, Hero raises to $27, fold, call,

I was obviously playing for stacks preflop. I think BTN can reraise me fairly wide in position and will for sure play AK JJ+ for stacks preflop. SB will probably have a fairly wide range for calling the reraise to 10, but not sure what he will call my 4-bet to 27 with.

FLOP ($65) 78K

check, check,

TURN ($65) 78K9

SB bets $56.20, Hero folds

I decided to check the turn since I will only fold out hands that I beat with a bet. I decided to try to check the hand down.

Is this line reasonable?
Or should I just close my eyes and push the flop to protect my hand?
Call the turn hoping he would bet with some random garbage when I showed weakness?

On the turn I need 32% equity to call. If I put him on the range KK+ 66-TT AK KQ AT I have 35% equity. But I dont know if that is reasonable.
11-06-2008 , 10:37 PM
I think c-betting this flop is a good idea. He's probably going to put you on that there AK and will fold a lot.

b/c > c/f > c/c
11-06-2008 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by MaxRaises
I think c-betting this flop is a good idea. He's probably going to put you on that there AK and will fold a lot.

b/c > c/f > c/c
Why would it be good to bet if he folds a lot? He is obviously not folding a K or better. If I am ahead he most likely has 2-3 outs. Either a pocket pair or an Ace.
11-06-2008 , 11:00 PM
Because he has less than a pot-sized bet left and realistically the only K in his range is AK... which I think just shoves preflop vs you.

He could have a draw and would probably be more inclined to call off mid pocket pairs on this flop as opposed to on a later street.
11-06-2008 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by MaxRaises
I think c-betting this flop is a good idea. He's probably going to put you on that there AK and will fold a lot.

b/c > c/f > c/c
With air thats good with QQ thats bad.
11-06-2008 , 11:08 PM
I agree that flop c-bet is really bad. it's close between a call/fold here but if I have the read that he plays very sf it's a fold otherwise GOGOGOGO MONIES!
11-06-2008 , 11:08 PM
OK waiting and effectively shoving the turn might be a better line, but I think folding is baaaad
11-07-2008 , 01:00 AM
Make your 4-bet bigger preflop imo. Also, guy is 70/0, how can just open jamming the flop be bad? I mean protect your hand from whatever random draw he has. Collect monies from TT, J6ss, etc. I mean seriously, just giving up vs this guy with less than a PSB left seems bad. I feel like I must be misreading the HH or something.
11-07-2008 , 02:46 AM
are we advising a psb shove on the flop?

since villains range is wide enough to include other hands than just Kx, so we're forcing him to decide whether to call with his Mid PPs, and other junk.
11-07-2008 , 02:56 AM
ya i agree with making ur 4 bet bigger preflop as played i just ship ship mcship the flop
11-07-2008 , 02:58 AM
The only hands we're afraid of are: flopped set; KQ; AK.

Pretty much all of these bet the flop. I think AK gets it in preflop, so we can weigh that less. That leaves us with the majority of his range being composed of mid-PPs that whiffed and joke hands that think they have FE on the turn.

Basically his line makes no sense and I either get it in on the flop or the turn. Folding is lolbad.
11-07-2008 , 03:02 AM
As played, definitely shove the flop, there is a lot of dead money in the pot, and there is a lot to be said about protecting your hand here. Just shoving the flop and him folding is massive ev for you. Sometimes he'll call off with TT or JJ here too.

I think the biggest mistake came preflop though, If you were playing your hand for stacks PF. I would definitely 4 bet much bigger. You are going to be out of position against the reg. You simply don't want to get yourself into marginal spots like this postflop, and there is a ton of dead money PF already anyway. You are also giving the reg super good odds to call.
11-07-2008 , 03:28 AM
I like his preflop 3-bet sizing. It lets the clown call with a lot of hands and leaves him with ~80% of a PSB left. I don't know if Hero was thinking that or not, but it worked out well... he just misplayed it postflop.
11-07-2008 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by TPTK77
are we advising a psb shove on the flop?

since villains range is wide enough to include other hands than just Kx, so we're forcing him to decide whether to call with his Mid PPs, and other junk.
It's a bit less than a PSB on the flop and villain is 79/0 and therefore ******ed. I expect him to call a ton with all kinds of cheese including mid pairs, draws, etc. I'm betting here for value and to protect my hand.

I don't really see any other way to play this. Half the deck is a potentially gross card for us and we basically have to guess if it helps him or not.
