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NL100 QJs should I bet turn and river? NL100 QJs should I bet turn and river?

10-03-2009 , 02:13 AM
I mix up betting with checking behind and then calling/raising the river, or betting if checked to.
10-03-2009 , 02:42 AM
This is a spot where betting for thin value seems correct, because there are a ton of hands that . Assuming this:

Hands we are ahead of that may call a bet: AT, KT, JT, 99, T9, KJ, J9s, JJ, 78, stuff that picked up a flush draw, random stuff that doesn't believe us:
Hands that we are behind: AQ, KQ, QT, 66, TT

There are way more combos we are ahead of. Even if we are folding out some of these hands that is good, they are folding a considerable equity share and we win the pot. This isn't even that thin IMO
10-03-2009 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Gaszzzz
This is a spot where betting for thin value seems correct, because there are a ton of hands that . Assuming this:

Hands we are ahead of that may call a bet: AT, KT, JT, 99, T9, KJ, J9s, JJ, 78, stuff that picked up a flush draw, random stuff that doesn't believe us:
Hands that we are behind: AQ, KQ, QT, 66, TT

There are way more combos we are ahead of. Even if we are folding out some of these hands that is good, they are folding a considerable equity share and we win the pot. This isn't even that thin IMO
I just think that a lot of the hands we are beating are going to call a river bet a lot more often than a turn bet. I don't think a turn bet is too thin and is definitely +EV, its just more +EV IMO to check the turn back and get him to put money in with a slightly wider range on the river.
10-03-2009 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by jack492505
I just think that a lot of the hands we are beating are going to call a river bet a lot more often than a turn bet. I don't think a turn bet is too thin and is definitely +EV, its just more +EV IMO to check the turn back and get him to put money in with a slightly wider range on the river.
this isn't correct, imo. the bet flop/check turn/river value bet is a much easier fold spot for lots of things that will also call a turn bet. if the hand is against a fish you may be right, but not vs. regs.

vs. competant villians, i think it's pretty easy to fold close rivers against that line unless you have a read that they try to value bet too thin sometimes.
10-03-2009 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Pun Intended
this isn't correct, imo. the bet flop/check turn/river value bet is a much easier fold spot for lots of things that will also call a turn bet. if the hand is against a fish you may be right, but not vs. regs.

vs. competant villians, i think it's pretty easy to fold close rivers against that line unless you have a read that they try to value bet too thin sometimes.
Obviously this is true against regs. Villain is unknown. The average unknown doesn't read hands at a very high level at 100nl and in my experience calls the river bet lighter than the turn bet because for some reason they automatically think you have air when you check the turn. Which is obviously basically the opposite of what I'd do with my air, but whatever.
10-03-2009 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by jack492505
I just think that a lot of the hands we are beating are going to call a river bet a lot more often than a turn bet. I don't think a turn bet is too thin and is definitely +EV, its just more +EV IMO to check the turn back and get him to put money in with a slightly wider range on the river.
this is wrong because you're giving gutters a free card when they would call AND they can't call a river bet + you forgo the opportunity of getting 3 streets of value.
10-03-2009 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by orange
i usually just b/f turn, see river.

as played, bet river
I prefer ch turn call/bet played, absolutely bet the river.
