Originally Posted by natefive
75% Cbet, 33% 2barrel, 144 hand sample. I know it's a bad bluff card but he's still folding 22-66, 88, and overcards, all of which are ahead of me.
What am I repping by raising the flop? I mean, I'm probably not raising Jx, JJ would probably 3bet pre, so I guess 77, 99 or more likely some kind of combo draw, so the villain could easily just shove his overpair/AJ over my raise, and I'd have to fold. My implied odds are good here with a disguised 8 out draw to the nuts, so why turn my hand into a bluff by raising?
Meh, given how low his 2barrell he's probably check-raising a lot of turns, unless he is super weak and c/fs a lot, but his other numbers do not indicate this would be the case.
So against a player like this, raising the flop is much better.
As to what you rep, there are many two pair combos and you can have pair + gutter, or an OESD. Obv. he isn't folding QQ+ to that range, but the point is that he is never going to re-ship with, like, Ax or something because the range you rep is probably going to stack off a lot. What you are worried about when you bluff raise a decent player isn't so much "what you rep", it's "well is he going to re-ship as a bluff (along with the times he reships for value) enough that raising here is super -EV?".
Furthermore, given your perceived range for raising this flop, he probably won't reship with like AJ or KJ, because he's not going to be in great shape when he gets called.