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NL100 - I want to protect my A-high NL100 - I want to protect my A-high

06-01-2008 , 02:29 AM
sorry for no real hh, it's no my notebook. The villain is a pretty much standard nl100 fish - he's just lost like 50$ with his second pair and is still sitting with around 48-50$ at that. I've been pretty passive so far (over 30 hands or so), because I got Q6o like 8 freakin' times. So I'm UTG with AsJs and open for 3xBB (my standard) and he quickly calls, everyone else folds.

Flop: 4c 8c 5c, he quickly check calls my cbet
Turn 8d, he leads for 8 into 15. now it doesn't make sense for him to lead into me, since i seem like a total nit and i haven't cbet much so far because of very ugly flops peeling off. If he hsa a set - why didn't he raise me on such a drawy flop? If it is a straight - same thing. And why would he lead into me on the turn with his monsters if i'm very likely to continue given how nitty my cbets are. Plus there is a good chance that he is on monkey tilt coz he got really owned on that second pair vs TP hand, probably intending to either lose the remainder of his stack or get it all back.

All in all, hero wants to call and evaluate the river. Your thoughts appreciated.
06-01-2008 , 02:31 AM
he is a fish
he isn't on the level of thinking you are giving him credit for

snap fold
06-01-2008 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by playforfoodz
If he hsa a set - why didn't he raise me on such a drawy flop? If it is a straight - same thing.
because the fish always slowplay. he may be betting with anything like bottom pair also. he just doesn't have a clue how to play it. just fold and wait for better flop. play abc against him.
06-01-2008 , 09:47 AM
okay, he has a set, why would he scare me off with a turn lead?
06-01-2008 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by playforfoodz
okay, he has a set, why would he scare me off with a turn lead?
there is nothing wrong with valuebetting a hand. this is just so irrelevant. you may catch him bluffing and make a superstar calldown with A-high but it's not +ev in the long run. He might hit a 4-flush or make a pair or have some pair already or better ace high. If you call here you have to call river too. And raising would be spewy imo.
06-01-2008 , 12:04 PM
I never ever c-bet that flop with AcJc against some fish half stack fwiw. And what others said wrt his lead; Why wouldn't he lead with set? It's a scray board, it doesn't have to make too much sense when you're holding AJ here.
06-01-2008 , 03:22 PM
I see this a lot from a flush draw that's often using the top card pairing to bluff/draw reasonably. Same thing for a weak pp, like 66/77 that also has a gutshot.

Set, yeah, possible. He wants his 50bb back and he's willing to take a chance on you drawing out if you have one to get that 50bb -- never mind that it doesn't make sense to you.

50bb deep, against this villain I just let it go though.
