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NL100 is this a fold pf? NL100 is this a fold pf?

06-26-2010 , 08:14 PM
Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: $135.05
BTN: $457.20
SB: $102.00
BB: $132.20
UTG: $144.55
Hero (MP): $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is MP with Q Q
UTG raises to $3, Hero raises to $11, 2 folds, SB raises to $25, 3 folds

utg is 26/21 with 6%3bet over 300 hands
sb is a reg 21/18 6% 3bet a 73% fold to 3b over 1k hands
06-26-2010 , 08:23 PM
What is your image, are you a 3bet monkey? If you image is pretty clean I think its close, but maybe closer a fold than a call.
06-26-2010 , 08:25 PM
haha ya kind of, i was willing to stack with utg raiser but when the reg 4 bet me my best case scenario is flipping vs AK?
06-26-2010 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by g3r4rd0x
haha ya kind of, i was willing to stack with utg raiser but when the reg 4 bet me my best case scenario is flipping vs AK?
If you think he never does this as a bluff yeah definite fold, but there are regs that will cold 4bet bluff. I doubt he ever cold 4 bets jacks, tens, or AQ. His range is QQ+, AK and bluffs imo.
06-26-2010 , 08:36 PM
if you're not happy felting there just flat

good things that can happen:
1. he will continue to barrel off post-flop vs. your hand with hands he would have folded to your 3b
2. someone could squeeze, UTG folds and you backraise and get it in vs. a weaker hand since backraises are usually done with random crap and nobody would think you have QQ
3. you flop a set instead of having to fold to a 4b

once you 3b it's semi-ridiculous to ask what to do next
06-27-2010 , 12:10 AM
100bb this is an easy shove. SB can easily have AK AQ or even JJ.
06-27-2010 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by oogabuga265
100bb this is an easy shove. SB can easily have AK AQ or even JJ.
i dont think he 4bet me in that spot with AQ or JJ because im 3betting an utg raiser
06-27-2010 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by iopq
if you're not happy felting there just flat

good things that can happen:
1. he will continue to barrel off post-flop vs. your hand with hands he would have folded to your 3b
2. someone could squeeze, UTG folds and you backraise and get it in vs. a weaker hand since backraises are usually done with random crap and nobody would think you have QQ
3. you flop a set instead of having to fold to a 4b

once you 3b it's semi-ridiculous to ask what to do next
I disagree with flatting here; we're willing to get it in against the UTG raiser (as OP mentioned) but the SB's 4 bet shows a lot of strength, but this doesn't mean we should be flatting QQ IP because we're afraid of a 4 bet behind us.
I agree with your last line though, once we 3b we're pretty much going with it.

Originally Posted by oogabuga265
100bb this is an easy shove. SB can easily have AK AQ or even JJ.
I think thats a little wide for SB's range. Even though our image is kind of shabby, we've 3 bet an UTG raiser which should indicate some sort of strength from our hand, but it should also indicate that SB's range is pretty strong as well given that he has the original raiser to act behind him.
06-27-2010 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by hWu
we've 3 bet an UTG raiser which should indicate some sort of strength from our hand, but it should also indicate that SB's range is pretty strong as well given that he has the original raiser to act behind him.
ya thats the reason why i folded in game, sb range seems pretty strong, ill need a few bluffs in his range to shove
06-27-2010 , 01:31 AM
Yeah nvm, after reading some of the other posts, this does seem like a fold. The SB's strength is really strong since he's 4-betting an UTG 3-better.
06-27-2010 , 04:02 AM
Once you 3 bet here, there's so much money in the pot, and he is probably 4 betting AK, QQ+. So a jam is correct. But you're not super happy about it.
06-27-2010 , 04:06 AM
very easy fold lmao not even close here at 100NL.

u get shown AA here like so often.

as a side note, i think ur 3b to 11 here with QQ is not that great, i would prefer flatting or 3betting utg raiser smaller here to let him flat with more hands
06-27-2010 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by Into2ndWind
very easy fold lmao not even close here at 100NL.
Agree. Specially from a reg - not doing this with TT/JJ. And small 4bet size makes AK somewhat less likely imo.

fold def is best I think
06-27-2010 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by iopq
if you're not happy felting there just flat

good things that can happen:
1. he will continue to barrel off post-flop vs. your hand with hands he would have folded to your 3b
2. someone could squeeze, UTG folds and you backraise and get it in vs. a weaker hand since backraises are usually done with random crap and nobody would think you have QQ
3. you flop a set instead of having to fold to a 4b

once you 3b it's semi-ridiculous to ask what to do next
im pretty certain youve misread and havent seen its a 3rd person 4betting.

if not above advice is clearly flawed
06-27-2010 , 02:23 PM
Unless he is a 4 bet monkey (and 6% 3bet would seem to make this unlikely) or you are a 3 bet one (so he is adjusting - for sure over 10% 3 bet) this would seem to be a fold.
