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NL100 - Check/Raise Flop. Nice play ou clicking buttons? NL100 - Check/Raise Flop. Nice play ou clicking buttons?

10-17-2013 , 12:24 AM
I usually don't do check/raises flop as a PFR, so this hand is quite different to me.
The T8s open is questionable, BB and CO are nits and the SB is a good reg.
BTN is unknow, plays 21/16/5 in 147 hands. Bet vs missed flop 100% (3)
    Full Tilt, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, Rush, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

    SB: $204.25 (204.3 bb)
    BB: $93.30 (93.3 bb)
    UTG: $108.10 (108.1 bb)
    Hero (MP): $126.65 (126.7 bb)
    CO: $40 (40 bb)
    BTN: $133.15 (133.2 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is MP with T 8
    UTG folds, Hero raises to $3.50, CO folds, BTN calls $3.50, 2 folds

    Flop: ($8.50) 7 T 5 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BTN bets $5.95, Hero raises to $18.15, BTN calls $12.20

    Turn: ($44.80) 6 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BTN bets $22.80, Hero calls $22.80

    River: ($90.40) 3 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BTN bets $88.70 and is all-in, Hero calls $82.20 and is all-in


    My normal play here is to bet flop. This time i played differently and at the same time my hand has value, i want FE too. If he 3-bets me i go all in, because i have a lot of outs (FD, 9x, Tx...)
    At the turn, I think i represent exactly what i have. FD. But i have TP too.
    At river i think I have the best hand. Sets would raise flop and overpair usually 3-bet pre, and not all the time he will shove overpairs here. So, to me he had a straight or a lot of air.

    What do you think?
    10-17-2013 , 01:07 AM
    if you checkraise flop you certainly don't want fold equity... you have top pair, brother. i would usually check call flop with your hand as i think there are a few better club hands to xr than this one and your current hand strength does not lend itself very well to xr (you just fold out worse hands and get called by few better for the most part)

    i think a xr flop xc turn line only makes sense if you don't have a betting range on the flop, because hands that xr flop and then xc turn usually go better into a betting range. however given this flop is better for your range than his (you have overpairs, plus you are more likely to raise Tx hands than he is to flat them) i think you would prefer to have a betting range. so in short i don't think i would ever find myself in your situation unless i knew he bet way too often when checked to, in which case i would probably call down your hand because it has better blockers than most other hands that xr flop xc turn (stuff like QT). AT/KT are maybe better calls on the river if he's capable of valuebetting worse Tx hands. i feel like that is somewhat rare for these stakes, though.
    10-17-2013 , 03:00 AM
    think you played it very well.

    I mean flop is not standard obviously, but every street afterwards I would play exactly like this.
    10-17-2013 , 03:06 AM
    you have the perfect hand to c/c flop with here, really dislike ur line.
    10-17-2013 , 03:06 AM
    I think that here you have a perfect spot to CR at river, what ever is the folding your opponent is having, he is having a decent equity against you and whatever he has, you have nice chance to improve.

    You don't really want to give any more free cards to fd's because of reverse implied odds and you don't like to call down with T-high unimproved.

    CR-turn AI, then you might get better made hands to fold and drawing hands either to pay for drawing or fold their equity.
    10-17-2013 , 03:27 AM
    just c/c the flop, really nice to have some flush draws in your check calling range and this is a board that you'll give up on a decent amount or want to c/c hands like A7s on.
    10-17-2013 , 07:51 AM
    i think there are a few better club hands to xr than this one
    I assume you don't mean by hand strength... we have TP + FD, can't have a better flush draw hand. It's a weird spot cause often when we have a pair + FD we are semi-bluffing with tons of equity but here we have a ton of equity plus can have the best hand.

    If villain is aggressive I do quite like taking a passive approach then of check calling. We keep their range as wide as possible and have a pretty strong bluff catcher in our range by the river if we don't hit our flush.

    As to whether or not to call the river: villain's bet sizing would indicate that he wants us to fold. He only bets small OTT and then shoves river for a near pot sized bet. If he had a value hand you'd assume he'd bet turn maybe $8 more to set up a better sized river shove.
    10-17-2013 , 11:31 AM
    In blinds vs BTN I wouldn't mind the turn x/c, since people will usually float you much wider.
    But since you are MP vs BTN as the PFR and x/r's as the PFR are much less common, I don't think people are really floating you that wide, unless you do that regularly which you say you don't.

    I also think that there are better hands to x/r with than this one. As mtf said.
    10-17-2013 , 11:41 AM
    I think XR flop is a poor strategy. What are you actually hoping to achieve? If your hoping to take the pot down on the flop with the villain bet/folding a lot of his range then why not just choose to do this with a hand with worse showdown value? Such as bare overcards?

    If your happy with getting this all in on the flop vs most you will be in trouble due to the fact that you isolate his range to his strong hands, his sets/better FDs. Unless you know villain gets really out of line and bet/jams the flop with poor equity hands such as KQo then trying to get it all in with a marginal FD isn't great.

    With this type of hand I think you are better off putting this in your XC range. Because you unlikely will be able to get many bets from villain by betting this TP yourself. But also more importantly you have a disguised hand that if you hit villain could potentially bluff and rep himself.

    It also protects your overal XC range as PFR so villain doesn't have an easy job whenever you X. Otherwise they could just apply lots of pressure knowing your PFR XC range is too weak and exploitable
    10-17-2013 , 12:38 PM
    ^^ Bet/gii flop is fine - we are only in "bad" shape vs sets. Villain may have a better flush draw than us but he doesn't have more equity than us because we already have a pair.
    10-17-2013 , 12:48 PM
    Originally Posted by F_Ivanovic
    ^^ Bet/gii flop is fine - we are only in "bad" shape vs sets. Villain may have a better flush draw than us but he doesn't have more equity than us because we already have a pair.
    It's fine. But is it necessarily the best line? Is there actually that many worse hands that will raise/get in on the flop? I think not.

    I think this hand works much better as a bluff catcher/protector for our xc range
    10-17-2013 , 01:06 PM
    I didn't say it was the best line; just that B/GII is fine. Or in this case CR/GII. It doesn't matter if there aren't many worse hands that will get it on the flop.

    As I also said in a previous post I agree that it's a good hand as a bluff catcher but at the same time our hand has too much equity on the flop to just be a bluff catcher so I'd only play it this way if I knew villain was very capable of 3barreling when it looks like we have a pretty weak range.
    10-18-2013 , 10:50 AM
    Villain show

    10-18-2013 , 11:01 AM
    does no one just cbet?
    10-18-2013 , 12:37 PM
    I think the c/r on the flop is a beautiful play. We push out hands where he just has a couple of overs that could easily outdraw us and are unlikely to give us much added value by staying in if they do not improve. If he calls with a better made hand than ours we still have plenty of outs, and the raise disguises our FD to some extent since most villains expect us to just call with a FD. Also, our raise may put him back on his heals enough that he could check back the turn when we don’t hit and give us a free river.

    C-betting is a good play as well. I just don’t like it quite as much b/c many time he will just fold and I would like to try and get a little extra value out of a hand w/ such good equity off the flop.

    C/calling is probably my least favorite play (other than c/folding which is obviously ******ed). If we c/c and any non-club overcard falls, we really have no idea where we are at. Even if our opponent isn’t helped by the overcard he is still in a position to bluff us out by the river if we keep checking to him. To be clear, I don’t think c/c is a terrible play, just my least favorite out of the 3 options we have.

    When he bets on the turn I think calling was the right play. We could shove and possibly get him to fold a better 10, but since he called us on the flop, and the board structure hasn't changed that much, I would think his chances of folding are not likely enough to justify pushing AI in most cases. He is betting half the pot here (22 into a pot of 44) which means we would have to have 25% equity to justify calling here. When we don’t have the best hand already, the 9 remaining clubs in the deck are almost certainly going to give us the best hand. We have close to a 20% chance of making a flush, and when this is combined with the implied odds the call is a no-brainer. If the 2 remaining tens in the deck and 3 eights are also outs than our equity is over 30%! These are irresistible odds, so I believe you should just call and see the river.

    Against a player I know to be aggressive postflop I like calling the river. Against an unknown however, I am folding here. We literally only beat a bluff. ANY 10 that he could reasonable have has us beat. His betting line is also consistent with 98suited, which made a straight on the turn. He is unlikely to have an overpair, but it is not terribly uncommon to see someone play AA or KK this way. He is betting almost the size of the pot, so we have to believe he is capable of bluffing 1 third of the time in this spot to justify calling. I don’t think the average player is taking such a strong line as a bluff that often. However, it is a close call, so with a little more history on his tendencies I definitely understand calling on the river.
