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NFD raise or flat IP NFD raise or flat IP

11-29-2012 , 10:41 AM
    Poker Stars, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #14796021

    SB: $103.16 (103.2 bb)
    Hero (BB): $170.13 (170.1 bb)
    UTG: $352.51 (352.5 bb)
    MP: $143.39 (143.4 bb)
    CO: $101.07 (101.1 bb)
    BTN: $164.45 (164.5 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with A 9
    4 folds, SB raises to $2.50, Hero calls $1.50

    Flop: ($5) J Q 8 (2 players)
    SB bets $3.34

    Results: $5 pot
    Final Board: J Q 8
    SB mucked and lost (-$5.84 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    SB steal 75%(8)

    cb 10/10
    turn 2/2

    He has 100% cb, but I don't think he will cb this flop with nothing.

    Against his cb/stack range:
    equity win tie pots won pots tied
    Hand 0: 43.604% 42.91% 00.69% 17417 282.00 { Ac9c }
    Hand 1: 56.396% 55.70% 00.69% 22609 282.00 { JJ+, AQs, KcJc, KcTc, QJs, Q8s, T9s, AQo, QJo }

    Do you think we have a lot of FE on flop( I don't think). I think flatting is a better option, what do you think.
    11-29-2012 , 11:16 AM
    call if he is likely strong and you have implied odds, raise if you suspect you have FE,
    11-29-2012 , 01:46 PM
    i usually flat here and raise most turns. raising this flop with a premium draw is so 2007.

    also consider 3balling it pre for value.

    Last edited by DjSkyy; 11-29-2012 at 02:07 PM.
    11-29-2012 , 02:38 PM
    Originally Posted by DjSkyy
    i usually flat here and raise most turns. raising this flop with a premium draw is so 2007.
    What's the advantage of/what are the reasons for raising the turn? What kind of turn cards would you raise?

    ...guess i'm stuck in 2007...
    11-29-2012 , 02:55 PM
    Originally Posted by thegrinder12
    SB steal 75%(8)

    cb 10/10
    turn 2/2

    He has 100% cb, but I don't think he will cb this flop with nothing.
    I really don't get your approach to this hand.

    you post stats that would lead to a very different conclusion than youve reached and then post a stove that covers like 5% of what actually matters in this situation.

    you're always behind someone's range if you get it in with a draw so what is that stove supposed to tell us?

    Do you think we have a lot of FE on flop( I don't think).
    Of course we do but not against the hands that youve included in his stack off range obviously. since getting it in on the flop isnt very attractive we need to break down his range more precisely.

    what part of his range is folding to a flop raise? what part of that range would've check folded on the turn anyway? do we on average benefit from seeing a turn card against this part of his range?

    what's his range for continuing against a flop raise with by calling rather than raising? does our hand play better by raising against this range on future streets?

    now we need to consider how much of his overall range these ranges account for. maybe simplify it to 1. his stacking range, 2.his bet/calling range, 3. his bet/raising range.

    of course these are not the only things to consider but it's a start.

    Last edited by forthelulz60; 11-29-2012 at 03:06 PM.
    11-29-2012 , 06:23 PM
    Originally Posted by DjSkyy
    i usually flat here and raise most turns. raising this flop with a premium draw is so 2007.

    also consider 3balling it pre for value.
    what value hands are calling flop and raising on a blank turn?
    11-29-2012 , 11:00 PM
    raise that ****
    11-29-2012 , 11:16 PM
    Originally Posted by DjSkyy
    i usually flat here and raise most turns. raising this flop with a premium draw is so 2007.
    If we're raising we should be doing it on the flop considering we would raise all our value hands on the flop in this spot. Turn looks bluffy.
    11-29-2012 , 11:38 PM
    Yeah I like flop raise here we have to have some draws/bluffs in with our made hands, so am more than happy to get aggro with NFD plus gutter
    11-30-2012 , 12:03 AM
    since they cbet alot on flop and turn, call flop, raise turn?
    11-30-2012 , 03:03 AM
    I like raising flop and bombing turn to fold out pairs Jx and lower.
    11-30-2012 , 06:29 PM
    try to drop a knowledge bomb on u guys and this is the thanks i get?

    raising flop and getting it in is obviously fine, i'm not saying it's bad - you often fold out hands with a lot of equity against you and win a small pot. when you do get it in you're usually flipping so it cant be that bad. if we are oop, i think a flop c/r is probably the preferred line unless u know for 100% sure ur opponent is going to barrel so u can c/r turn.

    but if u wait til the turn, you are going to be winning a medium pot when the same thing happens, and, contrary to some of the posts itt, i believe that a turn raise here looks at least as strong (and as much or less like a draw) as a flop raise, and has the added bonus of being able to be sized to be a committing bet to put extra pressure, whereas a flop raise will be too small to commit. by flatting flop you also reserve the right to put your opponent in a nasty spot when the draw gets there on the turn and he's forced to act first. lastly, you can pot control or get away if the turn comes out real bad for you, namely if the board pairs or a 9 falls.

    a couple of the more astute ppl made the comment that my line looks a lil FOS because we would raise most of our strong hands on the flop. This is a fair point, but an advanced concept imo, and im not sure if the average 100nl opponent is going to reason it out this way and then act on it. Even if he is thinking on this level, with your gutter, nfd, and ace overcard, it's not like you're exactly bluffing anyway, even with 1 card to come you have a lot of equity vs his value range.
    12-01-2012 , 06:27 AM
    What the hell? A "knowledge bomb"? We should thank you? Lol, dude you need to calma down a bit. Who says that you're right? And even if you are, why should we thank you? Noone PM'ed you and asked you to write in this thread.

    Who have even stepped on your toes since you got so angry? Is it because noone thanked you for your awesome knowledge bomb "raising this flop with a premium draw is so 2007"?

    OP: Raise flop.
