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newby to 100NL newby to 100NL

09-24-2009 , 08:41 PM
I've just done about 5k hands on 100NL. Here are some big differences that I noticed between 100NL and 50NL.

1) fishes are much more aggressive. I now have huge problems play something like T9s or unimproved AK against them OOP. So basically they should be foled pf or c/f post flop right? I think I'll need to improve a lot on this aspect. I don't seem to have problem on good regs, but my main targets often get my stack.

2) people are much more willing to call cbet. My cbet ratio was in low 80s, now its high 60s. I guess this is fine. I plan to do more turn CB in position.

3) more 3b, squeeze, but I don't see lots of 4b light. So here 3b light is standard and 4b bluff is +EV. Also stealing does not work as well as in 50NL.

Any comment or suggestion on those aspects? Any other things I would need to watch out playing 100NL?

09-24-2009 , 08:46 PM
dont think about the limit. it doesnt matter which limit u r playing. the only thing that matter is who u r up against.

just play ur opponent: his tendencies, his range, his leaks, etc.
09-24-2009 , 08:48 PM
Good Advice Holdem.

Also I hate looking at hands in a fit or fold manner post flop I just think to much of that kind of thinking sucks.

You need to think ahead.
09-25-2009 , 04:45 AM
But how do you play against a 50/35/3.5 OOP? I can only think of fit-or-fold. I have to do that a big proportion of time even with position.
09-25-2009 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by httassadar
But how do you play against a 50/35/3.5 OOP? I can only think of fit-or-fold. I have to do that a big proportion of time even with position.
define is handrange.. and if you got problems againsthim tighten up your range.. hell pay you off anyway
09-25-2009 , 05:50 AM
People are more aggressive @ NL100 true but DON'T OVER ADJUST. Just play solid and don't get into 3b/4b battles until you have a good idea of what you're doing. Don't get paranoid that people are just constantly running you over just because there's a bit more aggression than you're used to.
09-25-2009 , 05:53 AM
There are always general tendencies at every level though...I multitable 18 tables plus grinded from 50NL to 200NL and the difference is very noticeable from limit to limit. I tightened my range significantly the higher I went because of 3bet freq.
09-25-2009 , 06:24 AM
Unimproved AK often plays better as a bluff catcher vs aggressive fish.
09-25-2009 , 07:20 AM
Firs't post by Holdem is excellent, when playing NL100 you have to think less standard ABC (BUT, read further down), and start noticing your players and their tendencies more...

Originally Posted by httassadar
But how do you play against a 50/35/3.5 OOP? I can only think of fit-or-fold. I have to do that a big proportion of time even with position.
Originally Posted by Lord_Ferus
define is handrange.. and if you got problems againsthim tighten up your range.. hell pay you off anyway
+1, good answer. Don't play loose because they are loose, if they are loose then you play tight, and they will pay big time

Originally Posted by vhuntd
People are more aggressive @ NL100 true but DON'T OVER ADJUST. Just play solid and don't get into 3b/4b battles until you have a good idea of what you're doing. Don't get paranoid that people are just constantly running you over just because there's a bit more aggression than you're used to.
Yes I like this, this is what I did wrong at first when I got into NL100, I began to think that I had to get more and more into 3b/4b battles to take the pot, but don't get into that too soon, you will eventually develop a feeling for when it's right to 3b/4b, until then just give it a try once in a while but play a relatively ABC poker until you have noticed the OP's playing styles and feel comfortable playing at NL100, if you play standard ABC for a quite long enough you will also start earning respect from regs when you 3bet light . Generally, when you 3b light from the blinds against CO/BTN (or late position against early) you have to make a pretty big 3b to make them fold (atleast on ongame), when I say big I don't mean huge: e.g: BTN bets 3-4BB, you 3b to 9-10BB, he will often call, but suddenly you 3bet to 12-13BB he will fold, don't ask me why but it took me a while to figure this out

edit: also be aware of their fold to 3bet%, if they don't like folding to 3bets then you should 3bet light with you're upper range (more as value 3bet), while players that has high fold to 3bet% it can be profitable to 3bet pretty light. Also remember to look how many hands their fold to 3bet% is over, if it's only over 1-5 hands then it's pretty much meaningless

Last edited by ese; 09-25-2009 at 07:25 AM.
09-25-2009 , 07:34 AM
As long as you don't pay off.
09-25-2009 , 08:31 AM
people cbet waaay to much as it is and 80% even for 50nl seems awful so definately lowering that will improve your game but it is obv 100% player, board and situation dependent.
