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Is my line/thought process alright here? Is my line/thought process alright here?

03-29-2015 , 10:30 AM
1/2 game just started up at local casino that I don't go to too often. The group of guys I'm playing with seems like an older group that knows each other mostly.

Villain (~300): Seems to be a regular here, probably early 30's guy. The dealers/other players call him by his name so I'm assuming he's a reg. Kind of quite guy.

Hero (~250): Early 20's, has played very passive the first orbit and a half. No one at the table knows me.

Villain UTG+1 raises to 12
Folds to hero in SB who looks down at AhKh
Hero raises to 26
Folds to Villain who calls.

I knew my 3bet sizing was very small here, I accidentally grabbed $26 in chips and threw it thinking it was $31. I put Villain on a ATs+/99+ range. I haven't played with him ever before so I'm going to put him on a pretty standard range and will think he's not getting crazy.

Flop AATscc
Pot (~50)
Hero leads for $30
Villain instantly calls for $30

I think this is pretty standard. I bet here with the intention to check at some point later on to try and induce a bluff as long as no club comes. It's possible that villain is on a flush draw or has TT+.

Turn Qd
Pot (~110)
Hero leads for $60
Villain calls $60 pretty quickly

I thought about checking this turn to make villain feel like he is in control of the hand. This is kind of a rough card to see though. This makes QQ/AQ get ahead of me now which are 2 hands definitely in villains range at this point. I thought leading out here was the better option though so I could charge him for any flushes he might be trying to get.

River 8s
Pot (~230)
Hero checks
Villain tanks a little and bets $100
Hero calls $100

I was going to check pretty much any river here. I think if I lead villain is folding most of his range. I would rather try to induce a bluff than scare value out of the hand. I also am faced with a tough situation if I get raised on the river. I thought about c/raising the river myself, but I don't think I'm getting any worse hands to call me. Maybe AJ, but I think he would have probably raised on the flop or turn with AJ. I also am getting 0 hands that are better than mine to fold to a c/r. After I called villain waited for my hand, looked kind of disgusted, then mucked his. This makes me think that villain wasn't on a flush draw, but maybe like JJ/KK range?

Is my thought process alright in this situation?
03-31-2015 , 07:04 PM
I dont think the range given to the villian is right.

There are many hands what will call you a c/r in the river such a ton of Axs.

This is not a scary board at all, and i dont understand when you say "villain is folding most of his range", so what do you expect his range was when he got to the river?

P. 3B sizing was indeed awful, should of made it over $40.
