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Mad 3betting Mad 3betting

02-26-2010 , 08:39 PM
I'v only played 30 hands with this guy so far but hes 3bet 40% of the hands up to this point and I think this is the 3rd or 4th time hes 3bet me.
Is 4 betting him always a better option? I felt like calling was best at that moment

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: $58.75
UTG: $55.30
MP: $51.25
CO: $65.85
Hero (BTN): $50.00
SB: $76.90

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN with A Q
3 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, 1 fold, BB raises to $5.75, Hero calls $4.25

Flop: ($11.75) A 5 3 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Turn: ($11.75) 6 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $8, BB calls $8

River: ($27.75) 4 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero?
02-26-2010 , 08:50 PM
I think calling preflop is superior because he is 3betting stuff you dominate (Aj,At,Kq,Qj,Qt) and will probably spaz out when you both hit- if you 4bet on the other hand you just don't (yet) know if he shoves lightly. When you get that flop though, I would just bet it for value; When he checks Ace high he never has complete trash (I mean why would he check w/air on a perfect board to cbet) and often has showdown value TT-KK imo.
02-26-2010 , 08:51 PM
well, as you stated this is a really small sample. however, if he really is just 3betting like a maniac until you adjust, i really don't think calling is the best adjustment. i think 4betting him is the better option, especially if villian is aggressive postflop (is he? what other numbers do you have on him)? you don't want to be playing out of position on most boards that you won't have hit. you wouldn't even want to play oop on like 7 7 2 right here because if he's 3betting so wide, he could easily have 3b some pp that isn't going anywhere.
02-26-2010 , 08:55 PM
^ hero has position, so that changes things dramaticly imo
02-26-2010 , 08:56 PM
Bet 3$ on the flop and stack off
02-26-2010 , 09:05 PM
Calling preflop is fine. Bet the flop, don't give him a free shot at tiny straight or tiny two pair. c/c any reasonable bet on the river.
02-26-2010 , 10:33 PM
Bet small on the flop to get some value. You are almost 100% ahead here. People don't like folding big PP in rr pot for one flop bet
02-27-2010 , 06:01 PM
I have no read on this opponents post flop tendencies but for discussions sake lets theres 2 possibilities of how he could end up playing

1. is super aggro, spewy, bluffy etc.
2. super smart, thinking, aggro, 2+2er etc.

What if the flop comes J73 rainbow, check or bet?
02-27-2010 , 06:10 PM
if villain is an aggros 3bettor but plays abc post flop then I will bet my made hands and check back when I miss 50/50

if villain is aggro post flop too then I'm always betting when checked to no matter the flop texture
02-27-2010 , 07:02 PM
You realise your gonna get banned for spamming the front page right?
your only aloud 2 posts per day.

Oh and, calling is much better pre-flop. Post-flop id bet all 3 streets,
02-27-2010 , 07:08 PM

or check/pot/overbet
02-27-2010 , 07:14 PM
Call pf. Then bet bet bet.
02-28-2010 , 01:26 AM
I totally 4bet this pf because he should think that you're getting fed up and people don't 4bet for value the first time

As played, I don't mind the flop check...definitely bet the river though!
02-28-2010 , 01:51 AM
I think you played it fine, now let's bet as much as you think TT-KK will call

In regards to adjusting, I think calling with AQ is fine IP, but be aware his range is so wide, and you should float/make moves more if he's standard/passive post flop. If he's aggro, best think to do is hit a hand and tank/call him down.
02-28-2010 , 02:14 AM
I say bet $10-$12

You gotta bet this river. If he's aggressive enough to 3 bet pre-flop but he's checked this hand all the way down, he clearly doesn't have ****.

I'd bet on the smaller side for two reasons:
1) You want him to call with Ax or random pocket pair and not fold

2) If he wants to re-raise with a lucky straight, or a set, he must make a smaller re-raise if your initial bet is smaller, or take a big risk of not getting paid off. If you bet big, he can more easily make a big re-raise in turn and put you in a difficult situation.

You have a solid, but not spectacular hand. You want a moderate sized pot that you are very likely to take in.
02-28-2010 , 02:18 AM

I think you're better off calling pre-flop with strong hands and extracting value post-flop than you are trying to make a move pre-flop.

If he's truly 3-betting 40% of the time that's a huge leak and I would loosen up my pre-flop range against if there were not other players involved (continue to play tight poker if other people are involved in the hand). Seriously, a player who does that will lose their stack very fast and you want to be in there for him to lose it to. K8 hitting a king on the flop is actually a strong hand against this type of player.

Do you have any reads at all on how he plays post-flop?
02-28-2010 , 01:22 PM
lol you morons. OP, calling pre and checking on the flop is just dandy.
