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03-05-2012 , 09:22 AM
Today is my day of season one blu-ray audio commentary. I don't think I want to watch season 2's trailer though, better to not remind ourselves of what'll be on TV in 3 weeks.

Edit: Beginning to like Lena Headey. Every third word of hers is "****ing"

Last edited by Sciolist; 03-05-2012 at 09:34 AM.
03-05-2012 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by shpanko
Flan doesn't like patients/people in general, that's why he wants to do radiology imo

diagnosing is my favorite thing to do. i like surgery, and internal, and seeing patients. interventional radiology seems like a pretty good mix, as well as a good quality of life.
03-05-2012 , 12:52 PM
well you guys are the ballers of society and may get paid whatever you want tbh. My kind of people are asses imo (exception for me imo still want big bonusses later!)
03-05-2012 , 01:46 PM
I'm just kiddin Andrex, I'm just mad that we won't get to open up a GI clinic together now that you'll be watching computer screens all day
03-05-2012 , 01:54 PM
****ing speeding ticket this morning, mother****er.

03-05-2012 , 01:57 PM
My cousin is a radiologist and seems quite happy about it.
03-05-2012 , 05:30 PM
350k? Must be nice.
03-06-2012 , 04:36 PM
Sigh. I'm at a 2/5 game and floor calls me to play 5/10 while I am in this hand UTG.

I make it $20 with AA, one caller, a really bad aggro player makes it $120. Folds to me I make it $270, he calls. Flop 9T9 I shove my remaining $340 or so he snaps with TT.

All fine, whatever, then while I'm getting up to leave for 5/10 he starts congratulating himself. "most players would have just stuck it all in with TT there but I wanted to see a flop first" and "I knew you'd pay me off if I hit" and other bull****.

God, it just ****ing depresses me that people like this get to go home and get their wives pregnant and procreate and stuff.
03-06-2012 , 04:43 PM
be happy that it's a fish and not a regular. Fish come back when they win.
03-06-2012 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by curve
be happy that it's a fish and not a regular. Fish come back when they win.
Oh, I know, it's just depressing and against my nature.

I'm also pissed just pissed at myself because I should have just shoved preflop -- when he makes it $120 it's ridiculous and he's exactly the kind of moron that stacks of pre but won't shove pre himself, and even might do something mind-bogglingly stupid like put in half his stack pre then fold a flop with overcards.
03-06-2012 , 07:14 PM
For me the most tilting thing about live poker is when some dumbass fish tanks forever before calling the river, then shows a hand that no one in their right mind would ever fold.

Like in this limped 5-way pot, everyone checks J82, turn is 7 BB bets, UTG calls, everyone folds, river 4 bb bets big again utg tanks for like 4 minutes and calls with 22.

WTF. I mean, whatever, you are some ******ed ****ing nit and you're terrible, that is not what tilts me. What tilts me is that no matter how much you sit there and worry about 9T or 77 or what-the-****-ever makes horrid nitfish like you say "FML", none of those extra minutes you sit there cranking up the ANGST-O-METER are actually ever going to make you FOLD, so just spare us all the 5 minute torture session and make your damn call.
03-06-2012 , 07:15 PM
yeah I understand now. I don't mind losing if I know I play my best game, but when I make a wrong choice and it backfires (even for 10 euro or something) I get so f frustrated and it tilts me so bad that I have to quit or ragemode starts.

yeah but that's live poker. They all want to act like badasses over there. That's why I hate it.
03-06-2012 , 08:24 PM
anybody have any recommendations for entry-level road/paved trail bicycles? would like to start biking more, but sick of riding around on a 10 yr old mountain bike
03-06-2012 , 08:34 PM
honestly a lot of the fish tank because that's what they see people do on WSOP. they think that that's what you're supposed to do when you're good
03-06-2012 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
anybody have any recommendations for entry-level road/paved trail bicycles? would like to start biking more, but sick of riding around on a 10 yr old mountain bike
how much u wanna spend?
03-06-2012 , 09:11 PM
God, it just ****ing depresses me that people like this get to go home and get their wives pregnant and procreate and stuff.
I never write in this thread, but this killed me D
03-06-2012 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by iCrush Souls
how much u wanna spend?
just off the top of my head I was thinking like 500-600. I just want a light bike that I can actually ride at a decent speed and go a decent distance. It doesn't have to be super nice though.
03-06-2012 , 11:09 PM

got decent components that will last
03-07-2012 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by bilbo-san
Sigh. I'm at a 2/5 game and floor calls me to play 5/10 while I am in this hand UTG.

I make it $20 with AA, one caller, a really bad aggro player makes it $120. Folds to me I make it $270, he calls. Flop 9T9 I shove my remaining $340 or so he snaps with TT.

All fine, whatever, then while I'm getting up to leave for 5/10 he starts congratulating himself. "most players would have just stuck it all in with TT there but I wanted to see a flop first" and "I knew you'd pay me off if I hit" and other bull****.

God, it just ****ing depresses me that people like this get to go home and get their wives pregnant and procreate and stuff.
fish tend to make more fish, his sperm makes poker more profitable
03-07-2012 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by iCrush Souls

got decent components that will last
was looking for road bikes...

this appears to be the cheapest road bike on that site

any thoughts?
03-07-2012 , 12:33 AM
Also, companies that require you to submit a resume document online AND require you to manually enter the information are so tilting. They must do it to reduce the number of resumes they receive.
03-07-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by chongx04
fish tend to make more fish, his sperm makes poker more profitable
I'm not mad about his stupidity from a poker player's perspective. I'm mad about it from a "the human race is ****ing doomed" perspective.
03-07-2012 , 05:14 PM
Anyone know of any good part time or short term full time seasonal work that is fun/interesting? Not specific job offers, but general ideas? I was thinking more along the lines of the seasonal work, because I have 3 months to kill and wouldn't hate a break from poker and doing something different. I was under the impression there were tons of jobs in like mining/fishing/cruise ships that you could basically just show up for and do slave labour for 3 months, make bank and leave, but struggling to find them online. Is that a complete misconception?

Or something more long term but part time. I don't want to quit playing poker for a living, but it would be cool to mix it up. Even if I took a cut in the hourly I wouldnt mind. Its just so hard to find a cool part time job. I was thinking about getting into personal training, because working out/nutrition is something i'm really interested in. Anyone had any experience balancing job and poker where poker was the first choice job as opposed to a supplemental thing?

Mainly interested in the seasonal stuff though, I have 4 months to kill before I move back to Argentina and would basically do anything anywhere that was at least a cool experience. Surely they need people to go do **** in the middle east/australian mining/canadian north whatever. I thought you could just go and get hired in the Australian Mines but looking at it maybe im wrong?
03-07-2012 , 06:04 PM
I'd go for something holiday related. Just call a couple of cruise organizations?
03-07-2012 , 06:12 PM
Part time work for a charity? Bar work? Some kind of adult teaching? I was considering those when I last played for a living.
