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KK 225 BBs deep. KK 225 BBs deep.

07-20-2008 , 06:17 AM
Not used to playing deep really and felt like a pussy in this hand.

Villian is running at 30/12/3 over 150 hands. There are no other image factors really ive not been out of line.

Thoughts in general on the line please?

Party Poker $100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

SB: $99.00
BB: $137.84
UTG: $414.71
MP: $97.20
CO: $98.70
Hero (BTN): $226.55

Pre Flop: Hero is BTN with K K
UTG calls $1, 2 folds, Hero raises to $4.50, 2 folds, UTG calls $3.50

Flop: ($10.50) 6 8 J (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $8.00, UTG raises to $30, Hero calls $22

Turn: ($70.50) 7 (2 players)
UTG bets $40.00, Hero calls $40

River: ($150.50) 7 (2 players)
UTG bets $340.21, Hero folds
07-20-2008 , 06:53 AM
The only thing we really beat here is missed hearts, every straight draw now beats us and I doubt he's playing AJ like this, so I'd fold.

I like the flop/turn line, and although it feels wrong to call twice and then fold I rarely see people fire the river without the goods, but I think we're ahead of his range on the turn.
07-20-2008 , 06:59 AM
I dunno its weird...w/o history I dunno what I'm more inclined to do here.. snap off a busted fd or fall for a huge value bet...either way I find it a lil hard folding here ...but yes we only beat a bluff, a busted FD or an AJhh turned into a bluff on the river...

also..not every str8 draw got there...but improved: 79hh comes to mind..
07-20-2008 , 07:29 AM
Turn is a fold, I probably even muck the flop because there are hardly save cards on the turn and he could have flopped huge which will make you play a guessing game anyway.

Villain is a fish, why bother because he's gonna ship everything sooner or later anyway
07-20-2008 , 07:34 AM
I can not fold turn for 40. River is a call. Hearts missed and all two pair are counterfeited. This line also looks a lot like a gutter to me. You loose to T9, once in a blue moon he will have a set.

Last edited by corsakh; 07-20-2008 at 07:45 AM.
07-20-2008 , 07:38 AM
turn is marginal I think, I can see folding had it been a tad more.
folding flop seems out of the question for me. River is easy fold.
07-20-2008 , 09:54 AM
Hmm... you're left with a PSB if you call turn so I'd prefer fold > shove > call to squeeze more value from his draws. Agree with corsakh regarding river.
07-20-2008 , 09:59 AM
I'd fold the turn....hate OP 200bb deep
07-20-2008 , 10:30 AM
Think this is his range:

{ JcJd, 88, 7c7h, 66, Td9d, Th9h, Ts9s, 9h8h, 8h7h }

Which means that our equity is:
Flop: 32%
Turn: 8%
River: 8%

So if you think he bluffs the flop (we shouldnt assume that because he's an unknown), the flop call is ok, but since he fires again, you have to fold the turn.

Fold flop imo.
07-20-2008 , 01:43 PM
i like it
i also call turn and fold river here
07-20-2008 , 02:27 PM
I prob play the same. I think folding before river is just playing scared though.
07-20-2008 , 03:08 PM
I think the limp/calling of your raise will most likely eliminate JJ or 88. Of the other hands in the ranges discussed the only three that seem likely and have you beat are 66, 9hTh, and maybe maybe 8h7h.

hands that don't seem likely -

7h9h- I don't see him calling your raise after the limp (not that it would be shocking though)

77- the check raise on the flop is too aggressive/stupid to be made with this hand

9Ts (not hearts), 89, 87- again too aggressive of a check raise to make this likely

hands you could have beat -

QQ*- tricky limp/call pre-flop but the rest of the hand seems probable (once again aggressive, but possible)

AhJ*- fits the pre-flop and flop action, turn bet was him trying to find out if you had an over pair, apparently he felt the answer was no

*stupid bet on the river regardless because he is never getting called by a worse hand and is ALMOST always getting called by a better hand by a preflop raiser.

Bluff- people dust off money all the time if they think you are weak.

...and crap that he shouldn't be playing like this {JT, A8, and the like that can't possibly be good on the river}

...and there is always the .......

AA- people play them like this all the time, limp/call and then get really aggressive post flop (usually to their demise)

I think you needed to decide on the turn, that looks like a push fold moment. Either you believe he has 66, Th9h, 8h7h, and you lay it down OR you don't believe him and you shove. As it played out I'd be very confident that he had 66, limp call fits a small PP, the check raise is consistent with a flopped set on a board that could get uglier on the turn (a heart / straight card), your call on the turn assured him he had the best hand, and the board pairing on the river eliminates his concerns about a straight.
07-20-2008 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Aquadougs
Think this is his range:

{ JcJd, 88, 7c7h, 66, Td9d, Th9h, Ts9s, 9h8h, 8h7h }

Which means that our equity is:
Flop: 32%
Turn: 8%
River: 8%

So if you think he bluffs the flop (we shouldnt assume that because he's an unknown), the flop call is ok, but since he fires again, you have to fold the turn.

Fold flop imo.
this can't even be anywhere near close to his range. he can def have some Axhh and 97/75 hands and him having JJ is unlikely given he limped pf and he's not gonna c/r 77 very often. you beat bare flush draws and 8x flush draws that decided to empty the clip which he doesn't always do.

I tried to put every combo of hands we beat and came up with this.

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

29 games 0.005 secs 5,800 games/sec

Board: 6h 8s Jh 7d 7c

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 41.379% 41.38% 00.00% 12 0.00 { KcKs }
Hand 1: 58.621% 58.62% 00.00% 17 0.00 { 88, 66, AhTh, Ah9h, Ah8h, Ah7h, Ah5h, Ah4h, Ah3h, Ah2h, KhQh, KhJh, QhTh, Qh9h, T9s, Th8h, 9h8h, 97s, 8h7h, 75s, 5h4h }

that's 13 combo's of hands we beat. take away 5 of them and you're at 33%. assuming he even has this many flush draws in his range you need him to be bluffing w/ them ~8/13 times to break even. kinda close but I would fold.
07-20-2008 , 06:46 PM
I weighted his range as you may see, but i probably forgot some AhXh combos. When he bets that turn, i think we should at take away half of his semibluffing range. In addition i dont think he semibluffs the flop nearly as often he fastplays his sets.
