kinda weird place with AQ
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 63
Playing 2/3( dont know if i should post here or in medium , its somewhere in the middle)
my stack is about 310, UTG is 200 or so , Villain before me has 107 give or take a few , villian seems to understand the game, made a few good folds but is a calling station trying to hit a big flop and stack someone.
but ok i have AQo in the CO, a straddle out there, all folds to guy b4 me who raises to 12 i think about a 3 bet here trying to steal it maybe but just call
dealer folds, sb folds,and bb folds , straddler calls. pot is 3 way
Flop comes Ad Kd 4c
UTG checks, guys b4 me bets 20 i think for a sec trying to put him on a hand, then call , UTG folds.
Turn is Qd
villain pushes all in for 75
If you want results let me know,
thanks anyway.