Bricks and mortar $1/2 NL game,,,action varies from very tight at times to extremely loose both preflop and postflop. Several new players have come into the game as others have cashed out to play a tournament. I had doubled up early in the sit with AA over KK and had about $600 in front of me.
I get AA again in MP,,,raise to $15 first in, which is about the standard pre-flop raise with just about anything in this game. I get one cold-caller downstream, a younger guy with whom I had played before, who could be very aggressive at times. BB also calls.
Flop comes down J-J-2 rainbow. BB checks, I bet $25, call by villain, BB folds.
Now at this point, I figure I am either way ahead of way behind. Not much he can be calling with I figure other than a J, maybe a pocket pair, or perhaps a big Ace. But also not much chance of getting away from this hand, so when a blank 6 hits the turn, I decide to give this guy enough rope to hang himself if he wants to make a play. He's got about another $100 left in front of him.
I check, he bets $50. I see no point in check-raising, as if he's stealing, he won't call and if he's got a J, I'm doubling him up anyway. I call.
River is another brick, I check, he goes all-in for his last $50 or so, and I call. He shows down the 8h7h!!!!
Comments on the play are welcome.