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I Straddle and Then This Happens... I Straddle and Then This Happens...

07-28-2016 , 02:33 PM
1/2 game at my local casino. Villain is complete unknown who just sat down. I'm sitting with about $250 and straddle for $5. Get 4 callers. I check my 22
Flop: 279 (pot = $28)
I lead out for $16, all folds except cutoff who raises to $45. I call.
Turn: K (pot = $118)
I check, he bets $45, I call
River: K

What's my play there?
07-28-2016 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by wigglypoo22
1/2 game at my local casino. Villain is complete unknown who just sat down. I'm sitting with about $250 and straddle for $5. Get 4 callers. I check my 22
Flop: 279 (pot = $28)
I lead out for $16, all folds except cutoff who raises to $45. I call.
Turn: K (pot = $118)
I check, he bets $45, I call
River: K

What's my play there?
Legit a tough spot and without more/any info on villain I honestly don't know. In my head he's probably raising pre with TT+ and AK so 77/99 is in play here with 77 being a hand I could see limped.

In all honesty I get the money in on the flop after he raises to $45. I'm 3 betting there to somewhere around $120 +/- and snap calling his shove. If I'm beat set over set then I'm just beat and I reach in my pocket. No reason in wasting much time overthinking it. I make a set and without any obvious straights or flushes on board then the money goes in the pot.
07-29-2016 , 10:11 AM
Based on the action, he either had 7-7, 9-9 or a flush. As it turned out, I overthought the situation, check-called the river and beat his AJ to win a nice size pot (and the card room's $100 full house promotion)
