I agree, it's an interesting topic, you probably didn't get much replies because it's a really difficult topic as well...
Pre I think you're best off just folding medium strength hands unless it's a really good or very laggy player, if he's very laggy just try to find some hand that has decent equity against his calling range and push once in a while, you'll still be folding a lot, but they're often comitting a lot of their stacks even though it's a small 4-bet and if you do run into a good hand (it does happen once in a while!) you're in pretty decent shape.
Post flop gets more tricky, it would be good with an example or two, probably stuff like check-minraise to your c-bets etc? I find that one quite difficult, so far I've just been folding to be honest.
I think part of the problem is that it freezes me up, say I have tpwk, second pair or something like that, if he called I would be pretty sure about what to do, if he raised properly I would be pretty sure what to do as this is something I'm used to. But for the life of me I can't see what range a check-minraise is a good play with so it just confuses me endlessly and I just end up calling down (get valuetowned), checking down (not getting value from him) or just plain folding (getting bluffed). Not ideal in any way.
(On a sidenote: The minraise might actually be good play if you manage to do it with a good range as it confuses people in general and especially good players. I'm yet to experiment with it though and I don't know if I will, I still don't like it.)
Thinking about it though, normally it should be one of the following things:
1. Pure bluff, nice cheap bluff, wuhuptidu I won a pot type thing.
2. Monster hand looking for value, stupid way to play it, but makes sense to this guy.
3. "Information minraise" - Thanks to a friend of mine for either telling me the name of this (someone else named it) or naming it himself, what do I know. For example: Q75 flop, villain iss oop after calling preflop with 88, he checks, we c-bet, villain thinks "hm, my hand might be good here, but I don't want to loose a lot of money, he might have a Q, I know, I'm gonna minraise him and see what happens!".
So, to counter this, my plan is to try to use the min 3-bet in some situations, let's see how that fares against the hands villain might do this with.
1. Assumably he folds, but who knows, he might call, he might min 4-bet us, if he does, whatever you do don't leave the table, make a note and be happy.
2. Either he calls looking to extract some tiny tiny amount on the next street or he raises big thinking "haha, got you now". Of course we fold unless we have something good if he bets big. If he calls we probably need to proceed with caution, a small bet on the turn would just suck monkey balls, but that will be for another discussion, if we do have a draw we probably get to see some cheap cards if he's not betting big at least.
3. He probably calls and either goes into check-call mode or check-fold mode depending on his style of play and the board. Quite good for us, not great for him obv.
All in all I think we're doing pretty well here, better than just folding weak-to medium hands and raising strong hands big and not doing anything else.
What hands might this be profitable with? We probably have to adjust, but I think we need to have a lot of strong hands in our range, a few draws definitely and the odd complete air/bluff hand.
Don't know if this will make sense to anyone.