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HU /w 88 on scary board HU /w 88 on scary board

07-29-2008 , 06:00 AM
k, first off this hand went down on skypoker which doesnt have on demand hand histories.

Game was 6-max £.5/£1 (so closer to 1/2), ppl had busted and it was down to me and a £1/£2 reg, i had bn pretty aggro so far and she had bn playing TAGish and playing most hands for value in this session, but i imagine its in her repotoire to get a little tricky. She probobally see's me as overly aggressive - but i had just bn running well pre. She had £209 and i covered

Hero is on BB dealt 8 8

Villian raises £3.50
Hero Raises to £10.50
Villain raises to £30
Hero calls (thoughts on this call please)

Flop KQ3

hero ???
07-29-2008 , 06:05 AM
I would Probably call the 3.5 instead of raise to see a flop and go from their.

As played:
- Lead out 30ish to see what she does, see if you can make her fold A-Q 9-9 J-J etc.
- Check and give up.

I would probably lead, but I don't know player so its different.
07-29-2008 , 06:06 AM
Looks gross. Check fold? If she (wtf?) checks through it becomes an interesting fps play to fire turn and river to enter bluffcity. However hu is so flow and read dependant, and there's not much to go off here sorry.
07-29-2008 , 06:13 AM
tbh i think whether i lead or not comes down to whether i think she'll 3 bet MP's in position or not. I mean her perception of me is probobally LAGgy but idk if because of this she would want to then c/c down/set mine with Middle pairs like 77 or 99 (mabye even 66) or if shes thinking on a more basic level that "his range is weaker than my hand so i'll raise".
07-29-2008 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by 74o_Clownsuit
Looks gross. Check fold? If she (wtf?) checks through it becomes an interesting fps play to fire turn and river to enter bluffcity. However hu is so flow and read dependant, and there's not much to go off here sorry.
First hand of HU, like i said it was 6 max table so we only played like 3 hands HU - all i know about her game is posted.
07-29-2008 , 06:20 AM
Yo how do you know this person is female and not some 55 year old 400lb BBV lurker? And why the **** are you posting this? I mean, I thought you read souls man.

Seriously though, this is very likely to be a super polarized range imo, like AQs+ or TT+. Maybe even tighter. Folding to 4-bet is definitely ok and not nitty mang.
07-29-2008 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by IReadSouls
First hand of HU, like i said it was 6 max table so we only played like 3 hands HU - all i know about her game is posted.
Oh then for sure just flat pre ldo!!!1111!!1one
07-29-2008 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by 74o_Clownsuit
Oh then for sure just flat pre ldo!!!1111!!1one
Given that she's going to be raising (if shes a decent HU player) AT LEAST 50% of her buttons i figured i was better raising and either picking up the pot there or getting a better idea of her range.

why is 3 betting pre so horrible against an unknown?

and lol, female avatar, its not really much but its all i have as far as tells on gender go.
