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HU 2nd pair facing a check raise HU 2nd pair facing a check raise

08-18-2015 , 05:45 PM
Heres a hand i think i played well, but my opponent got tilty and thought i played awful i just want a second opinion

Anyways, my opponent is a good friend of mine and a solid thinking player

im the effective stack

Raise 3.00
Vill: calls

Pot: 6.00

Flop QJ4
Vill: Check
Me: Check

He doesnt make alot of calling mistakes OTF and by checking i feel he may pay off bets easier or make betting mistakes on future streets, because of these reasons i dont feel like a bet accomplishes anything here

Turn 3
Vill: Check
Me: bets 4.00
Vill raises 10.00
Me: calls

Pot 26.00

It seems unlikely to me that he would Check his value hands twice here, and extremely unlikely that he has a flush here i call with the intention of calling most rivers

River: 2

Vill bets 13.00
Hero calls

08-21-2015 , 03:05 AM
Had a terrible title before, but i got a mod to fix it, thanks chief

I would like some feedback if possible thanks guys
08-21-2015 , 07:49 AM
I think one thing to take away from this hand is you have to be aware of what your flop betting range looks like. If you're always betting your flush draws on the flop then your turn betting range is going to be weak here, and you should be inclined to check back the turn.

As far as whether or not to call the turn c/r that would be read dependent and no one here is going to know how your friend plays better than you do.

Last edited by just_grindin; 08-21-2015 at 07:55 AM.
08-21-2015 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by just_grindin
I think one thing to take away from this hand is you have to be aware of what your flop betting range looks like. If you're always betting your flush draws on the flop then your turn betting range is going to be weak here, and you should be inclined to check back the turn.

As far as whether or not to call the turn c/r that would be read dependent and no one here is going to know how your friend plays better than you do.
Agreed 100%
08-21-2015 , 11:45 PM
So he had a weak Q?
08-22-2015 , 12:31 AM
"thinking player" villain's line looks a little odd with the turn x/r and his sizing ott and otr looks pretty meh unless this was specific to how he plays vs you.
I think you played the hand perfectly fine; don't think he's in the position to berate you judging by this v limited info.

08-23-2015 , 03:58 PM
It is rather specific, we do have alot of history, i was good by the way, he had A2
