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How much time and BR to devote to "other" non-core games? How much time and BR to devote to "other" non-core games?

12-03-2008 , 03:39 AM
(I've no idea which is the appropriate forum for this so here goes...)

I primarily play nl100 for my bread and butter but sometimes play nl200 when the games look good or the nl100 is bad. Or sometimes I take shots at nl200 in order to gain experience.

I also play the following regularly:
MTT 45 man
MTT 180 man
MTT 1,000-ish man
$25 DON

None of these are as comfortable for me as straight NL100 or 200. But, I feel like I need to round out my game and learn more varities. I'd also like to dabble in HU NLH, 6-max PLO, and improve my FR PLO for the B&M nosebleed games.

The question: how do you decide how much time and money to deviote to practicing/learning other games? I could be the next worldbeater at HU holdem for all I know but I've yet to try it. There are dozens of varities, so how to manage branching out?

My current practice is to play my bread and butter games primetime, and stab at others on off hours.
12-03-2008 , 03:42 AM
12-03-2008 , 03:45 AM
Care to elaborate?
12-03-2008 , 03:55 AM
I primarily play 200nl. About 20% of my time is spent playing plo, i've just moved up to $100 plo.
