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How does tableratings have Stars hand?  How do i datamine Stars? How does tableratings have Stars hand?  How do i datamine Stars?

12-08-2008 , 01:43 PM
just noticed that tableratings is now datamining stars. i mostly play on full tilt cuz i cant stand not being able to datamine tables before i sit down.

wtf--how do i datamine stars?
12-08-2008 , 01:47 PM
just buy hands from a datamining service. Not nearly expensive as you'd think.
12-08-2008 , 01:49 PM
I bet they buy their hands from some service just like everyone else

I tried something out a little while ago called stars spy or something but my trial ran out and I lost interest...seemed to work though.


Last edited by AngryEgyptian; 12-08-2008 at 01:50 PM. Reason: Found link
12-08-2008 , 01:54 PM
well if they're buying it from somebody, then how do the people they are buying it from datamine?

not that it makes a difference, but im not looking to datamine all night while im sleeping, i just wanna get stats on ppl i havent played with 15 minutes before i sit down.
12-08-2008 , 02:05 PM
There's software to datamine stars, its highly illegal to use tho. If you get caught using those programs then stars might shut down your account.

Last edited by wims; 12-08-2008 at 02:13 PM.
12-08-2008 , 02:14 PM
how do people tableselect at stars (assuming they cant datamine)?
12-08-2008 , 02:17 PM
I guess they tableselect with Telescope using only hands they have played themselves? I dunno, I dont play at stars
12-08-2008 , 02:19 PM
actually stars is the no 1 software to data mine with as it allows to open like 400 tables w/o even having to log in
12-08-2008 , 02:24 PM
Yea, I guess you really need to just buy a ton of hand histories if playing on stars.

I believe these guys who do the datamining use special software. Technically what they do is not illegal in any way; if one of us was doing it it would be illegal due to your contract with Pstars. But since they don't have an account on the site/are not using it they have not accepted the T&Cs.
12-08-2008 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by eule
actually stars is the no 1 software to data mine with as it allows to open like 400 tables w/o even having to log in
Yeah, its almost totally impossible to get caught as well, if youre not stupid that is
12-08-2008 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by FloppinPairs
Yea, I guess you really need to just buy a ton of hand histories if playing on stars.
Yea, because it's totally impossible to play if you don't have thousands of datamined hands on every reg whilst having no clue what those stats really mean.
12-08-2008 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Brian O'Nolan
Yea, because it's totally impossible to play if you don't have thousands of datamined hands on every reg whilst having no clue what those stats really mean.
i care a lot less about having thousands of hands on regs than i do about having say.. 20 hands on a fish
12-08-2008 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by wims
Yeah, its almost totally impossible to get caught as well, if youre not stupid that is
looks like i might actually have a use for the 2nd internet connection i just got (Qwest in addition to Comcast cuz Comcast SUCKS)
12-08-2008 , 04:34 PM
you slimes, the stars update is going to deal with a lot of this stuff

can't you pathetic people just sit at a table and play poker?
12-08-2008 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by terp
you slimes, the stars update is going to deal with a lot of this stuff

can't you pathetic people just sit at a table and play poker?
12-08-2008 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by terp
you slimes, the stars update is going to deal with a lot of this stuff

can't you pathetic people just sit at a table and play poker?

no. i am a risk-averse idiot who needs to tableselect so i need to datamine.

what is the stars update and what is it dealing with?
12-08-2008 , 05:01 PM is missing a ton of hands so its not all that accurate anyways. I just looked at my own results in the sessions tab and its missing half my hands played for some days.
12-08-2008 , 05:37 PM
true, they clearly dont mine every table. but the hands they do have r accurate
12-08-2008 , 05:42 PM
lock these threads imo
12-08-2008 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by jxi
no. i am a risk-averse idiot who needs to tableselect so i need to datamine.

what is the stars update and what is it dealing with?
please move to a bomb shelter and then beat yourself with a spiked dildo
