I was in a very loose and agressive 1-2 game in a Mississippi gulf coast casino. Average pre flop raises were between $17 and $25 dollars. Most stack sizes were $500+. Several limpers entered the pot and a very agressive player in the cutoff raised to $20. I was on the button, and I looked down and saw 8

and the 8

. I called along with the big blind and three of the limpers. The pot is $121. The flop comes A



The big blind checks. An older gentleman who seemed a bit out of place bets $40, several others fold, the agressive player in the cutout calls. I really don't see any reason to run anyone out at this point so I call, and the big blind folds. I have about $590 left and the other two have me covered. The pot is $241. The turn is 10

. The older gentleman bets $75. The cutoff calls $75. I decide they both have aces and I want to build the pot. I make it $225. The older gentleman goes all in for $800 plus. The cutoff folds. I have $365 left. The pot is $1056. Now the only conclusion I can reach is that he has A-10 or 10-10 and I am beat either way. I did not think he really had the skill level to make a play on me for that much money, but like the fool that I am called anyway. He had A-10. The cutoff later claimed to have A-J. I know that I should not have called on the river, but other than that how could I have lost the minimum on this hand?