Hollywood Park 400NL: Line check with TPNK
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 861
I'm waiting for a seat in a limit game and decide to sit down in a $400 buyin, $5-10 blind no limit game. I mostly play limit, so please be gentle...
I've been observing the game for a few minutes and the play has been pretty loose passive for the most part. In this hand, there's one early limper and I limp in the CO with Kh8h. The blinds call/check.
Flop: Ks6d3s
SB checks, BB bets $25. First limper folds. I call. SB folds. The BB is a white guy in his early 40's -- looks like a guy who probably plays a couple of times a week, not a pro. He has me covered.
Turn: Qd
He bets $50, I call.
River: 9d
He looks at the board quickly, then bets $100. I call.
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,509
5/10nl with a $400 cap? is this common? I would expect it to be like $500 with 2/5 blinds.
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,509
oh, I fold turn. he prob has you kicked.