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Help make a push for online poker.... Help make a push for online poker....

08-06-2010 , 10:52 AM
---Mods, I wanted to take the time to pm you to ask to do this, but I’m pretty sure you guys are on board with this.

I haven’t seen mention of this except in the cheese/reg threads and I think it deserves an op considering how crucial this is to us all. If there are any of you who have not read, congress is pushing a bill, hr2267, that would regulate online poker in the U.S. See here for more information:

Anyways, it is VERY VERY important that we as a poker community are contacting state representatives, asking them to support this bill. Please take 30 seconds and complete this pre-written letter and send it to those congressmen and women in your state...

Needless to say passage of this bill could create another poker boom as a vast majority of Americans are afraid to play online poker in the current unregulated market.

Also, I think we need to utilize facebook as well. If half the members on this forum sent out a mass message to all of their facebook friends, it could actually change the way this bill turns out. If anyone would like to copy/paste this message I sent to my facebook friends, feel free to do so and make any changes you want.

Hey guys. Like some of you, I play poker online. I’m not sure if many of you know, but this coming fall is a VERY critical season politically for online poker. A bill called HR2267 by Congressman Barney Frank that would essentially create a regulated American market for online poker just passed a financial house committee and is nearing a debate in the Senate. As you can imagine, this would dramatically change the market here in the states as the vast majority of poker players are limited by financial regulations put in place by a sloppy, ambiguous bill 4 years ago called the UIGEA (unlawful internet gambling enforcement act).

A few pros of HR2267 in my opinion:
1. Freedom. Pretty simple, Americans can have an adult decision to gamble online if they see fit in their own homes.
2. Accountability. The current offshore market is unregulated and creates no system to help problem gamblers and those underage as the government has no player disciplines standards to put on sites offshore like Full Tilt and Pokerstars. People who shouldn’t gamble online still do, despite prohibitive efforts by the government. Prohibition really doesn’t stop anybody.
3. Revenue. The current offshore sites are not taxed. American run companies would be. Experts say it would yield up to $42 billion over ten years. (might take a little sting out of this recession)

Most of you know I hate politics, so it takes a lot for me to actually try and spread this word. I’d just hate to see this freedom taken away from us. (and this has been considered a “bipartisan” issue, so if you like to play sides more, it really doesn’t apply.)

Anyways, if you have 30 seconds and you agree with me, please follow the instructions on this link and email your state reps.

The letter is pre-written, but you can add in whatever you would like, it’s just important that this issue not be ignored.

Thanks guys.
08-08-2010 , 05:46 PM
bump, this is more important that strat posts right now.
08-08-2010 , 06:02 PM
I am totally clueless on this subject, so I'll ask: Why is regulation good for the games? France & Italy regulated lately and all they gained is sick bad rake and low liquidity.
08-08-2010 , 08:34 PM
It is good for many reasons. I know of a few. First, there is no easy way to get money online. The UIGEA made it impossible for banks to legally transfer money to poker accounts. With legalization, people would be allowed to deposit with debit cards, bankwires, or paypal whenever they wanted. That means nothing directly for you and me, I have a roll I play on and I never deposit, but it matters greatly if you want to play fish who constantly bust their rolls. There are a lot of fish in America who can't play. Also a lot of these players think that online poker is completely illegal anyway, and regulation would mean that would be cleared up.

A second big reason is it would become a larger market. Just imagine if Google or Harrahs had an online poker site. The traffic would be unbelievable. Not to mention, google, if what I read is correct as I did not play in 2006, had a poker site before the UIGEA that had no rake.

The third goes with the second and it is advertisement. Currently, poker sites are not allowed to advertise for online gambling. Pokerstars and Full Tilt have TV commercials, but they can't come out and say "play on our site and get a 100% bonus up to $600." With regulation, advertisement would be legal and thus fish would see bonuses and say "WOW, I can put 600 dollars online and get 600dollars back."

These are just a few of the reasons.
08-08-2010 , 09:04 PM
IM scared to post in this thread in case slugger gives me da aids(run bad).
08-09-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by shipit2kg
IM scared to post in this thread in case slugger gives me da aids(run bad).
consider it done.
08-10-2010 , 04:35 PM
Sounds exciting.
How long do u think it will take till people can deposit again?
Do u think it'l be similar to how it was before UIGEA?
08-10-2010 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Sh3nanigans
Sounds exciting.
How long do u think it will take till people can deposit again?
Do u think it'l be similar to how it was before UIGEA?
I'm hoping, hoping the bill pushes through this fall and we are having paypal deposits in a few years.

But we can't just sit and think the world is going to work itself out for us. If you really want this to happen, you need to be contacting all the friends and family you can think of, and have them call representatives and senators.

Sadly, this bill can still fail. I will attribute it to us and us alone. We poker players as a whole are spoiled and we don't take enough action to ensure our right to play.
08-10-2010 , 04:59 PM
Good thread. Been following this a bit and I think it's very important this bill passes. We can expect a very big inflow of new fish to the game.
08-10-2010 , 05:44 PM
08-12-2010 , 02:10 PM
Interview with Barney Frank, who wrote the bill.

Frank seems to think the bill will pass this year IF enough of us respond:

“The answer is YES if enough of them will get on the phone and get to their emails and pressure their representatives and senators. No, if they don’t.
And then when asked if there is anything more we can do he reiterated:

"Yeah, that they call up their representatives and senators to get this bill through.”

Also, please use the state rep link to send to President Obama and more importantly house representatives who can push to bill through the senate….

All I can say is that the ball is in our court. If we can get twoplustwo calling state representatives, we can pull this out. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do everything you can. Getting this bill through is more +ev than we probably can imagine.

Last edited by sluggger5x; 08-12-2010 at 02:15 PM.
08-12-2010 , 02:23 PM
passed this on to 25ish people via email + sent to a few co-workers who understand poker

hopefully everyone is forwarding this to family/friends. if they don't really get what its about, perhaps they'll send an email because they trust your judgment.
08-12-2010 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by higher_energy
passed this on to 25ish people via email + sent to a few co-workers who understand poker

hopefully everyone is forwarding this to family/friends. if they don't really get what its about, perhaps they'll send an email because they trust your judgment.
Yes. I had several friends who don't even play poker say that sent the letter because they care about me as a friend and want to help. Facebook has been a huge utility for me. I'd say 10-15 letters were sent by people just like this. If this happened for a quarter of 2p2 users, we would make a huge mark.
08-12-2010 , 02:59 PM
which link is more useful - i.e. which one should we be sending to friends

08-12-2010 , 03:14 PM
Sent original from OP

edit: sent second letter

Last edited by jaysu; 08-12-2010 at 03:35 PM.
08-12-2010 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by higher_energy
which link is more useful - i.e. which one should we be sending to friends

Those are both the same. You want this one:
08-12-2010 , 03:25 PM
you are right. i am an idiot...

its all over facebook now
