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A Good Session? A Good Session?

06-16-2016 , 10:26 AM
Good morning everyone,

Just wanted to ask players opinions on what they consider a winning session at a $1-$2 table. I am a MTT player who is making the move to cash games and I play at my local casino. Usually the table has your usual cast of characters ranging from bad to really good, and I buy in for $200. When I play it's usually for 6-8 hours.

I understand that leaving the table with what you brought to it is always a good thing....and there are going to be lots of days when you lose a few buy-in's and maybe up one or two.

But a good session is considered to be up how many buy-in's roughly?

Last edited by Pocket 4's; 06-16-2016 at 10:33 AM.
06-16-2016 , 01:36 PM
This varies so much by the table/casino...but for an average 1/2 live table, if I bought in for $200 and played for 6-8 hours, I'd say a good session would have me cashing out with $600-$800.

I think my biggest session (by hourly rate) was ~4 hours, I bought in for $200, and I cashed out for $1200.
06-16-2016 , 01:50 PM
Thanks a lot deathclassic....that was the kind of info I was reaching out for. And I should have said in my post that I realize results vary GREATLY on the type of players, casino, and other factors for sure.
06-18-2016 , 05:37 AM
One where you walk out with more than you came with. PS, you can also have a good session and walk out with less. :0
06-18-2016 , 07:32 PM
This is my first post on here, I've been hitting up the 1/2 at the Seminole Hardrock 2 days in a row bought in with $300 and left with $1000 one day and $1500 the next. The games are really soft any online poker player could easily crush those games.
06-19-2016 , 09:55 AM
I know the online games play a lot tougher than live games.....but do you think a player who is a live game only player can still crush these games?
06-20-2016 , 09:13 AM
I try to aim for 2x max buy in. If I leave with more than 4x max buy in it's a good day. If I lose more than 1.25x max buy in I generally don't break even and call it a day.

So at my 1-2 table with a $300 buy in an average cash out is $600, a great day is $1000-1200 and if I lose more than $400 I'm generally done for the day.

Same with $2-5.
06-20-2016 , 11:23 AM
Whether I'm playing online or live I try not to let the total wins/losses determine if I had a "good" session or not. A good session to me is one where I'm zoned in and making the best possible decisions with the info I had at the time. Because that's all you can really control. Anything else is just being results oriented imo.
06-21-2016 , 07:07 AM
I think you have to separate the decisions you make from the results (the money). Otherwise, making a bet with bad odds and hitting your card can make it feel like a good session (when it really wasn't). Focus on the decisions that you make. Good luck at the tables!
06-21-2016 , 09:18 AM
So true....I've been guilty of hitting my card on the turn or river and winning a pot that I had no business being in. Sure I won the pot, but was a terrible move and one which I would have lost more times than not.
06-21-2016 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by meale
One where you walk out with more than you came with.
If you never leave the casino until you rostucko, you'll never have a bad session
06-22-2016 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Marky
Whether I'm playing online or live I try not to let the total wins/losses determine if I had a "good" session or not. A good session to me is one where I'm zoned in and making the best possible decisions with the info I had at the time. Because that's all you can really control. Anything else is just being results oriented imo.

And it's not just cards. Did you make a good decision on when to stop playing? Did you take the initiative to look for good tables? Did you let the annoying guy get under your skin?

Having said that, winning is fun. Anything over 200bbs will make me happy most of the time.
