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FT200 Puking in the river FT200 Puking in the river

12-01-2007 , 11:35 PM
why don't you bet the turn and you wouldn't have the river tough decision since after the turn bet you are committed
12-01-2007 , 11:42 PM
Exploitable by anybody who's even remotely capable of picking up on tendencies. Hero's hand is the nut single pair hand - and he said he planned to check/fold the river. Meaning he's giving villain credit for two pair or better after villain's incredibly strong line of calling a cbet and checking behind on the turn. That is called playing weak tight, and it's not uncommon and easy to pick up on.
If u think that sum1 is running u over than simply adjust his range accordingly. Just cause villain wasn't betting and raising the flop and turn doesn't mean he can't have a very strong hand with that river card obviously so just closing ur eyes and throwing around these useless statements like "TP in a 3bet pot AND its under-repped = snap call", even if its an overbet shove on a flush completing river and a line which looks an awful lot like a flush draw. Again, provide hands which villain might have, here r a couple of assumptions I made in deciding that villain is almost always drawing - he didnt raise flop or bet turn on a very wet board so its unlikely he has a strong hand, he wouldnt overbet shove a hand like KQ on the river here AND it is very very unlikely that he floats this flop, but.... if he did happen to do it he would almost certaintly bet the turn.
12-02-2007 , 12:38 AM
markuisis, when your standard play is to cbet then check the turn and check/fold the river in reraised pots with the nut single pair hand, you are already getting run over by most players standard play already. They don't have to go wild to exploit that sort of play.

And you are really just completely wrong about people's play in reraised pots, and are likely making some huge mistakes in them. People do float, they do make plays, they are not going to just blindly instabluff at the ace without the initiative 100% because "hey it's a scare card" - most players at least take the time to ask themselves what they're representing and what is hero's range, etc.. And how the river would help define the hands and influence the profitability of bluffing, etc..
12-02-2007 , 12:40 AM
i insta call this i dont know
12-02-2007 , 12:56 AM
markuisis, when your standard play is to cbet then check the turn and check/fold the river in reraised pots with the nut single pair hand, you are already getting run over by most players standard play already. They don't have to go wild to exploit that sort of play.

And you are really just completely wrong about people's play in reraised pots, and are likely making some huge mistakes in them. People do float, they do make plays, they are not going to just blindly instabluff at the ace without the initiative 100% because "hey it's a scare card" - most players at least take the time to ask themselves what they're representing and what is hero's range, etc.. And how the river would help define the hands and influence the profitability of bluffing, etc..
I clearly said id get it in on the turn so ur first paragraph is useless. And to think that sum1 both floats a very wet board like this AND doesnt bet the turn when he could rep AK, the NFD etc. is ridiculous (not that most ppl care what they r repping at these stakes or that most ppl in hero's shoes r going to call off their stack with QQ here even if the line doesnt make sense - which it does). IF he did happen to float this flop (probably not profitable or likely for an unknown) then he is almost always betting that turn and if he isnt that it is almost certainly not profitable to float. But anyways, all these useless statements/misinterpretations such as saying that I take this line routinely and get run over consistently r derailing the actual question. According to u and some others, villain most likely floated a ridiculously wet board, didn't bet a scary turn and overbet bluff shoved the river. Or....he somehow got to the turn with a hand like AJ or A10 and instead of betting the turn on a dangerous board - overbet shoves a flushed river. As ridiculous as these assumptions r, we HAVE to call because our hand is under-repped or he'll know we folded AQ here somehow and run us over everytime we meet him right??? You have yet to offer a range btw, just making useless statements like "nut single-pair hand" or "this is exploitable". Just to put things into perspective - I think its pretty clear our hand equals a bluff catcher on the river and the only hand I c getting to the river and bluffing is a busted straight draw - and i already explained that I think its more likely that an unknown's first overbet shove is the flush rather than a straight.
12-02-2007 , 01:02 AM
The only logic I can see for checking twice WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR HAND is to induce a bluff and you succeeded. If you don't know how respond to this push, then you should have bet the river.
12-02-2007 , 01:11 AM
i insta call this i dont know
12-02-2007 , 01:57 AM
he's probably shoving his entire range here if he has a brain. stove his range for getting to and calling flop for academic purposes and then click call because i can already tell you you have odds to call against that range.
12-02-2007 , 02:06 AM
he's probably shoving his entire range here if he has a brain. stove his range for getting to and calling flop for academic purposes and then click call because i can already tell you you have odds to call against that range.
Terp is right here,this is really weak tight
12-02-2007 , 02:09 AM
he's probably shoving his entire range here if he has a brain. stove his range for getting to and calling flop for academic purposes and then click call because i can already tell you you have odds to call against that range.
Terp is right here,this is really weak tight
How is he right? I'm pretty sure his post was a level or something, so villain is shoving stuff like TT, JJ, QQ, KQ, KJ, 109s, J9s etc...? cause those r all part of his flop calling range.
12-02-2007 , 02:56 AM
Yeh this is a [censored] river. [censored] board the whole way, and personally I think you have to fold this. I think the turn c/r you planned is definitely the best option against this type of opponent. His stats don't seem too aggressive but people seem to overplay their hands in 3bet pots. I don't see what you are beating here imo and this is fold.
12-02-2007 , 03:00 AM
wtf bet turn!
wtf shove river!
wtf since you didnt, call river
12-02-2007 , 03:04 AM
he's probably shoving his entire range here if he has a brain. stove his range for getting to and calling flop for academic purposes and then click call because i can already tell you you have odds to call against that range.
Are you high?

edit: nevermind you qualified your statement with the exemption that a brain needs to exist, which is not the case with 99.9999999% of 1/2 players so this is really just a post that should be remembered in other threads
12-02-2007 , 03:06 AM
Bet the turn, and if he calls, c/f river
12-02-2007 , 07:53 PM
I don't get what hands villain calls with on the river to a shove by neilso.
12-02-2007 , 08:08 PM
Good that you're rethinking your original plan. I'd call this in a heartbeat.

BTW I think people worry way too much about pot control in reraised pots. You don't worry about pot control in raised pots with 30 BB behind. So you can't worry about pot control in reraised pots when you've got 100 BB behind.
12-02-2007 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Rob121
i insta call this i dont know
12-02-2007 , 08:17 PM
i would tend to fold without history.
