Absolute/UB Cereus No-Limit Hold'em,
$1 BB (5 handed) - Absolute/UB Cereus Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com
Button ($162.77)
SB ($94.37)
Hero (BB) ($114.58)
UTG ($100)
MP ($142.92)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 4

, 4
1 fold,
MP bets $3.50,
1 fold, SB calls $3.00, Hero calls $2.50
Flop: ($10.50) 6

, 4

, J
(3 players)
SB bets $2, Hero calls $2,
1 fold
Turn: ($14.50) 7
(2 players)
SB bets $8.24,
Hero raises to $20,
SB raises to $82.88, Hero...
Original raiser, over 200 hands, is a tight 17/16 who is underaggressive postflop (25% Agg) who will have a narrow CO opening range (20-30%).
The SB aggressor, over 100+ hands, is
24/12, 1/29 3bet (an openlimp/RR), low 30's Agg % (which is bumped up mostly by flop agg).
Note the
minbet flop.
And one earlier hand were
he openlimped the CO, and
then reraised the SB's raise (of him and the button). Both blinds being loose and passive pre.
Don't usually post my own hands, but rusty as hell/terrible after taking months off.
I'm more interested in the Turn decision (if people think there is one) than me not raising the flop (hoping the PFR does) given how dry the board is, etc.
Is this lolcall-we-haz-set, or maybe getawayable?