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Decent draw...maybe? Decent draw...maybe?

09-10-2011 , 01:03 AM
Live 1/2NL game. Hero (SB) has $350, MP1 has about $300. MP1 is very TAG preflop, hasn't played much postflop.

UTG limps, MP1 raises to $17 (large raise for this game, typical raise is around $10). Folds around to Hero in small blind with KQ. No concern of BB or UTG calling. Hero calls.

(This is a mistake. This hand doesn't flop well against the TAG's range.)

Flop: JT3 ($38)

Hero checks, MP1 bets $25. Hero calls.

Turn: 8 ($88)

Hero decides to find out of spades will be good here and opens for $55. MP1 considers before raising to $155. ($298)

Questions: Does villain have A or K? If not, is this a call? I assume no fold equity on the turn, but is the rest of the villain's stack going in on the river even if a four-flush comes out? Is probe betting the turn a good idea here or should I have kept the pot smaller?
09-10-2011 , 02:32 AM
wtf. You should never be betting "to find out if spades are good". Like, what does that mean anyway?
09-10-2011 , 06:17 AM
give him 100$ and ask him if he has A or K of spades to find out where you are at.
09-10-2011 , 10:05 AM
If I check here, I assume he'll bet 2/3 the pot and then I have no idea what he has. I figured if he raises a large amount, he doesn't have the nut spade draw. From the reactions, I guess that was a mistake. What should my action be on the turn?
09-10-2011 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by superburro
If I check here, I assume he'll bet 2/3 the pot and then I have no idea what he has. I figured if he raises a large amount, he doesn't have the nut spade draw.
this doesnt make sense

c/r or c/f the turn
09-10-2011 , 11:01 AM
c/f turn
