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crazy to think about calling? crazy to think about calling?

10-29-2010 , 08:43 AM
so I've a ton of notes on villain, he has cr bluffed a few times in this past, not this session, and one time fired t and river, river was a bet of 25 into 41.

So when he cr here I dont give him much credit, so turn is an easy call. Then when he fires river again, I just think all the str8 draws missed which he could have, and his bet sizing is so small I am certain he would bet more with a T. He wouldnt cr a Q.

Only thing is he doesnt cr bluff *too* often..


Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.50(BB) Replayer
SB ($54.47)
BB ($53.95)
Hero ($65.86)

Dealt to Hero K 3

Hero raises to $1.25, SB calls $1, fold

FLOP ($3) Q T T

SB checks, Hero bets $2, SB raises to $6, Hero calls $4

TURN ($15) Q T T 2

SB bets $10, Hero calls $10

RIVER ($35) Q T T 2 3

SB bets $20,

SB wins $33.50
10-29-2010 , 08:46 AM
flop is total spew. if he c/r a lot, then start 3bet bluffing, cbetting less air, and calling his c/r with a wider value range. You should not cbet air and call it off - very bad.
10-29-2010 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by BuddhaMonk187
flop is total spew. if he c/r a lot, then start 3bet bluffing, cbetting less air, and calling his c/r with a wider value range. You should not cbet air and call it off - very bad.
Why 3bet bluff the flop? First of all I have backdoors and an over. Secondly, if I just float and he shuts down on the turn cos he has air, then I can take the pot down. But if he barrells the turn (and I pick nothing up) then I've saved myself the extra money which I wouldve 3bet on the flop. Would rather wait to see if he's gona fire 2 than spew money on the flop. Thats *if* I decide to float cr, which isnt often.
10-29-2010 , 10:31 AM
BuddhaMonk clearly doesn't know about floating in these spots. People who 3Bet these types of flops in position without a dynamic are weak-tight regfish who will be abused when a thinking opponent shoves over their 3Bet with their air.

Of course, calling down isn't something you want to do without something like Qx. I'd prefer to float and, if villain is very aggressive, raise over his turn or river bet. Of course that's only if the player is an aggressive barreler. Most people at this limit will c/r and give up on the turn.

FWIW, this isn't a flop where he's going to be c/r a lot of air. If the flop was like 955, then yea but Qx and Tx are hands that are in your perceived range so it'd be stupid to c/r total air here. Open-enders are probably the worse this guy is c/r.
10-29-2010 , 10:37 AM
I think given what you've said I think the river will just be a profitable call. If you are confident villain doesnt have a T I might be tempted to riae and try and fold out any middle pairs (44-99) and occasionaly a Q that might have taken this line. Any chance villain has a T with a weak kicker?

As for how you have got to the river, a double float of a cr is quite spewy. If you want to float the flop I would prefer a hand with more equity like AJ. Cbetting flop would be my standard. Occasionally I will checkback to try and get to showdown, as quite often your K high will be good.

If you had checked back and villain fired the turn it would have been quite a nice card to raise.
10-29-2010 , 10:51 AM
The reason why the double float here is bad is because you lose the ability to take it away from him because if he shoves the river, you just have to fold your air. Speaking of which, it's kind of weird that he didn't shove the river however I wouldn't put a lot of thought into that because you'd have to have a super read to shove over his river bet when he only has like $18 left behind.
10-29-2010 , 11:39 AM
I can't imagine folding once I get here like this, but don't get here like this
10-29-2010 , 12:21 PM
I don't agree with the fact that we should at least have Qx to call him down. OP mentioned that villain didn't have Qx in his range. Therefore, he only has Tx in his value range. The other hands are busted open-ended straight draws or gutshots. If villain can only have Tx in his value range calling with 3x or Qx is the same. Now the real question is to find out whether he would really fire the turn with a straight draw on such a blank on the turn. Normally it's a bad card to barrel and people will shut down on it. If he's able to barrel it, I would call the river bet.
11-01-2010 , 09:34 PM
Villian can be turning 66 etc into a bluff, shove turn. dont 3bet flop love the float. no one 3bets the flop with a T/qq except for ******s.
11-01-2010 , 11:42 PM
why are you calling turn? you have 0 clean outs and don't sure if he bluffs river enough for profitable call (you think he isn't as can be seen of thread name) or if you can bluff him off his hand when it checked to you.

also people who c\r bluffs a lot will c\r Tx and can even AQ as they reasonably think they will be paid light
11-02-2010 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by BuddhaMonk187
flop is total spew. if he c/r a lot, then start 3bet bluffing, cbetting less air, and calling his c/r with a wider value range. You should not cbet air and call it off - very bad.
11-02-2010 , 12:33 AM
Since this is 3handed, he can probably c/r KQ+ for value and probably all ace high gut shots, although he might 3bet a lot of them pre (which I would also consider when facing the c/r).

The problem with the flop float is that this villain seems to be barreling a lot, and our backdoor draw has a 5% chance to get there by the river and if we hit the king, we are probably beat if he keeps barreling. If he was more likely to step back on the turn, the float becomes better, because we get a chance to resteal the pot from him.

As played, I think the turn call is pretty standard, since he will never put us on a bd-flush if we hit and he will probably barrel it anyway.

On the river, I don't think he has air very often here, because he doesn't bet the turn with all his air combos, because it's a bad spot to keep barreling and he could remember you calling down light, too, although his sizing is really weird. Some people at 50NL do things like shoving for value and betting smaller with their bluffs in this spot, so a read in this regard would be extremely profitable...
Oh, well, rereading the history you posted where he bet 20$ into 35$ as a bluff, I'd probably call here now actually. It's very unlikely that he took a note like "I bet 20$ into 35$ as a bluff vs this guy. Next time for value!", because nobody does that.
11-02-2010 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by BuddhaMonk187
flop is total spew. if he c/r a lot, then start 3bet bluffing
yeti is laughing
