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c/r river? c/r river?

01-04-2008 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Imrahil
To probably get him to bluff raise. I mean betting $17 probably isn't going to get him to do it.
I think betting $13 works just as well, and that makes an extra $18 in the pot if he raises 3x, which makes bet-sizing later a lot easier.

In general, you are going to get raised here when you lead by any set/2-pair/AA/maybe even AK/KQ/KJ regardless of your bet size, and if he's purely bluff raising he's more likely doing it because button raisers just plain hate it when you donk at them so they raise out of principle, not because you bet $10 (which, if anything, looks suspiciously like it wants a call/raise to a thinking opponent).

Anyway, a $95 pot on the turn with $150 left lets you bet really small on the turn (and get bluff-shoved on a lot), or even if your small turn bet just gets called, you are setting up a river push that gives him great odds, or, finally, if you choose that line, a c/r ai on the turn is giving him fantastic odds.

$77 with $165 or so left just isn't as easy to play with.
01-04-2008 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by bilbo-san
I'd rather take his stack everytime he isn't, PLUS give him a chance to put in the last bet with his semi-bluffs, then earn an extra $35 or whatever from his turn bluffs.

i dont rly pay attention to what posts are good usually, but that's two posts in two days or so from bilbo that are spot on.
