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AQ 3b pot btn vs bb deep AQ 3b pot btn vs bb deep

03-19-2014 , 07:19 AM
No Limit Hold'em $0.50/$1.00
5 players
Formatted by - Mac OS X hand history analysis and tracking

UTG - UTG ($223.13)
CO - CO ($261.88)
BTN - Hero ($374.57)
SB - SB ($250.00)
BB - BB ($255.50)

Preflop: ($2.50, 5 players) Hero is BTN with Q A
2 folds, Hero raises to $3.00, 1 fold, BB raises to $11.50, Hero calls $8.50

Flop: 7 9 T ($24.50, 2 players - Hero: $362.87, BB: $243.80)
BB bets $15.00, Hero calls $15.00

Turn: 3 ($54.50, 2 players - Hero: $347.87, BB: $228.80)
BB checks, Hero bets $35.00, BB calls $35.00

This is a spot where I feel pretty unsure what line is most EV.

Villain is a reg playing 30/22 with BB 3b of 9 % and cb 83 % so imo a flop fold is to weak or what do you think?
Turn cb 43%

I'm most curious over what river cards you advice to bet on except a .
03-19-2014 , 08:03 AM
I'm curious as to the range of hands you assign to the villain in this spot...any specific history with villain?

I am not floating this flop without a little more information.
03-19-2014 , 08:23 AM
Villain have all sorts of broadways in his range thats why I decided to float. Specially with the A of and since he cb so much and then become pretty honest on turns.

Not so much history, seen him 4b light deep though and he has a little tell size tell in 3b pots. half pot is weakish and this size does not seem strong either. Think he would bet bigger with an overpair or a draw.

03-19-2014 , 08:40 AM
I think you made the case for raising the flop with V's percieved range and his history of 4betting light.

but as played...When he flats your turn bet I think that narrows his range and think checking back any non-ace, non-spade river is probably the smartest move at that point. I may even check back an A river depending...

There are alot of combos in his range ott that have us crushed.
03-19-2014 , 08:45 AM
Ye I maybe should have raised, I actually likes a raise more now when I think of his range and his betsize. Anyway as played. The board hit my range really well, specially the turn card so what do you think of Barreling any any 8 and any K.

He should have a really tough time calling with his whole range except for KK IMO. What do you think?
03-19-2014 , 08:53 AM
I can't advise turning your hand into a bluff entirely. V has shown some interest in the hand the entire way, and may even look you up when an 8 hits with some of his 2pr hands. I think the 8 is actually the worse of the 2 cards (K or 8) to bluff at here.
03-19-2014 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Stellamoose
I can't advise turning your hand into a bluff entirely. V has shown some interest in the hand the entire way, and may even look you up when an 8 hits with some of his 2pr hands. I think the 8 is actually the worse of the 2 cards (K or 8) to bluff at here.
I agree with this actually. How many jacks or sixes do you show up with? The only hands that would make sense are JJ and AsJx, mayyyybe 66, though I'm not sure if AJo is in your 3b calling range.
03-20-2014 , 12:11 PM
9% 3bet high, i would 4bet pre with AQ and put pressure on him. as played flop call is fine i would check the turn and draw for free.
